Logic 3

35 4 4

"Arum's POV"

Sometimes there are questions in life that you can never answer. Like, why does Superman wear his underwear outside of his suit, do vegetarians eat animal crackers? If you pamper a cow do you get spoiled milk? Or why is there no pine or apple in pineapple?

Pretty much people are free to wander and do what they want in the world. Although Hide used to take things too literally, sometimes even until today occasionally. I often try to imagine what is it actually like to be like him, everything to him is different. He's all I really care about.

I accepted Garren's invite to his party so Hide and I will be going together, I'm actually excited! I know he doesn't want to go but I never leave him out of anything. We only live once so we may as well make the most of it. I want Hide to experience that freedom.

"Students, I actually have an announcement to make. Today we have a sudden transfer student from Daiji," Mr. Robert announces.

A transfer student? I can't wait to find out.

"Come in," The professor gestured. The student enters the class.

'Oh, it's just a guy' I thought to myself as I caught an eye on him. I guess I can be friends with him, I got my hopes up thinking I might have a new crush on someone. He has really good looks for a guy though, and his muscles are quite built. Wait, why am I impressed?

"Why don't you introduce yourself?" The professor told.

"The name's Raihen, Kaminaga Raihen. Hey, I guess? I got bored with my previous school so I decided to transfer, let's all get along together!"

So he got bored with his previous school... And he decided to transfer? What kind of reason is that? Daiji is like, one of the biggest and most prestigious schools, it's kind of like a dream school to almost everyone, passing the entrance exams in Daiji is hard. They have everything, from the best facilities, especially for sports, to the college dormitories and huge classrooms.

For a second I saw him gaze a smile in our direction, and dang, not only he's handsome, but he's also hot. I feel kind of threatened. This guy could even become more popular than me! There's always room for good competition.

I turned to my best friend and he looked a bit too serious which was not what I pictured in mind, Raihen was looking at him and that's when I realized he looked kind of familiar. It's the same guy Hide was talking to yesterday, I only saw a glimpse of his face but I'm sure it was him.

Hm, coincidence?
Nah, maybe they'll get along.

"You can take that empty seat over there," The professor pointed toward the one empty seat behind Hide. Raihen nodded in return and sat where he was told to. I rest my cheek on to the palm of my hand while I stared at my own desk, class discussion is about to start and I know it's going to be boring again as usual.

I notice Raihen already talking to Hide at the corner of my eye, I guess the new guy has already taken a liking to him. I think that's a good thing, he barely interacts with any other people.

"Please open your books to page sixty-nine, we will discuss Maslow's hierarchy of needs." Mr. Robert told the class. I get my notes out and yawned. This is going to be a long day. Class sucks.

Time flew before I knew it. Everyone left the classroom at the ring of the bell after being dismissed. I guess today's class wasn't as bad than I thought it would be.

I kept my belongings and I was ready to leave until I felt something drip on my head. I noticed that something was leaking above. It was weird because I never saw any cracks in the ceiling before, and holy shit, the walls are covered in milk and my clothes are soaking wet. How did this happen? What the actual fuck?

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