Logic 12

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"Keisuke's POV"

In life, there is a saying I'm not really fond of. They say that life revolves around three things.

"Eat, sleep and drink."

We all know that isn't actually true, because life revolves around many more things than just that, anyone who just eat, sleep and drinks each day must have led an insanely boring perspective of life. To be fair and honest, people like that actually exist, or should I say someone like that does exist. That person is me, well, except for the drinking part, unless we're referring to anything that doesn't involve alcohol or wine.

I am with these two other humans, one named Raihen, and another named Hide. I don't know why I called them like that when I know I'm also a human and I do not wish to know why they decided to help the likes of me to look for someone. Raihen seems to be new here, but I am pretty sure I had a few encounters with Hide before. He'd usually be with that star player from the soccer club, I assume they're extremely close, one time we saw each other at a mall when he and I both grabbed a plain t-shirt with nothing but a square on it that we both wanted to buy coincidentally, I guess we had the same tastes, I decided to just let him have it, he's clearly wearing that same shirt right now under his uniform. Another time, I went to get a book signed from an author and he was there too, it was an author of a favorite book series I liked, titled 'The Slave and The Merchant'.

Lastly, there were also a few times at a coffee shop where I used to work part-time, he and his best friend were talking about a theory, his friend made up about how the universe was created and implied that there is a possibility of him being the creator before all life existed. Wild imagination, wish I had one. I quit that job because the manager thinks I don't give a damn about what they said and that I'm insulting their authority, sucks to be someone who is just doing his job and trying to live peacefully.

Going back to the eat, sleep and drink kind of thing, I wasn't really fond of that because in my case it's actually true. I must be the most boring person on earth, nothing about me is interesting, people misunderstand me, and I am an outcast. None of this affects me at all, because I never really cared about people's opinions about me or everything in general, they aren't being hurtful, they're just 'people'. I have nothing to feel, and I have zero strings attached, I was born to have a boring life and I will die a boring life. I don't question it, I just live with it, because I never really knew how it feels to feel or have emotions. I'm not happy nor sad, everything was neutral, I was born with no emotions. Sadly I have no proper evidence or explanation for that one, nor would I say it's one-hundred-percent true, so I don't try to believe it either as much. Maybe I was cursed to exist, there are many reasons that I never really talk about.

"You sure he's here?" Hide asked, Raihen looks around to see if there was a short guy with fluffy red hair in sight. Nothin' but an empty lot just behind our school's parking lot and swimming pool.

"He'll be here," I curtly replied. Shortly after that, I detect his presence from a distance, running towards me in haste while screaming crazily like a madman. I brace for impact while he nears. As he was shouting and running, he almost made me collapse, when he tackled me with his small body, for such a small stature, I wonder where does all of his strength come from. Arms wide open while trying to stand firm, I was able to prevent myself from falling. I welcomed him otherwise as I noticed him sobbing and sniffling with a runny nose while his arms wrapped around me so tightly.

"Wah! Kei!" Ayumu sobbed and right now he's literally like a baby asking for milk. Raihen and Hide were kind of amused at what they were looking at.

"I knew it was a bad idea," I told him. Looks like confessing to his crush backfired, yet he still did it without thinking about the consequences.

"No!" He whined as he continued to cry, burying his face on my stomach, his small body and the way he acts makes me think I have a little brother I have to babysit. After a short while, the star player of the soccer club came after him, I didn't realize he was with someone else.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2019 ⏰

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