Logic 7

23 2 0

"Hide's POV"

We arrived home at our apartment, thankfully Raihen was there to help me carry my sober best friend by himself. Arum is too heavy for me, this is probably the worst state he had ever been when he got drunk. He can't walk on his own, he talks to random stray cats and dogs along the way, and he won't stop pretending to be a kid trying to be a superhero during the rest of the party before we immediately left after he did 'that'.

I've never been so embarrassed in my entire life. Except, I'm actually not. He was drunk, and he just happened to do a stupid dare, that's all there is to it, people were even able to take pictures. Just great, he probably thought I was some kind of girl or something. I don't know if people hallucinate when they're drunk, who knows? I've never been in that state before.

I am going to pretend that none of this ever happened. It's easy to do. I'm not affected, it's only a kiss. To me, it's only two lips touching each other and tasting someone's mouth. That was my first kiss. I am bound to experience that one day even if I never thought I would.

Sometimes I even wonder about sex. I don't have sexual needs or desires. People say it's normal but I'm not sure if it has something to do with my own individuality and my inability to experience attraction to others. I wonder if I'm also bound to experience that. Is sex without attraction even possible? I seriously need to stop thinking about things like these just because of a single kiss that led me to all sorts of random deep thoughts. It's my best friend who kissed me, not anyone else.

"Alright, you can sit now," Raihen told. He places Arum on the bed from carrying him on his back.

"Noo!!! I was flying in the sky! Why you put me down?!" Arum whined.

"We're all very tired Arum," Raihen sighed deeply scratching his belly.

"Hide! Raihen is pickin' on me! Call the cops!" Arum ordered. He pointed his finger to Raihen putting the blame on him.

"I'm not even doing anything," Raihen frankly denied. Raihen climbs up the bed taking off his sandals, he encircles his arms and legs around Arum hugging him from behind.

"Don't touch me! I hate you!" Arum whined yet another time while squirming.

"I'm tired, just let me cuddle you. I can't even get an erection," Raihen implied lying his head on Arum's back.

"I love you Hide! Marry me now! Let's leave Raihen behind!" Arum exclaimed.

"Ouch, that's kind of mean," Raihen pouted. Arum tries to squirm but Raihen is too big and tired to care.

I'm angry. I don't know why I'm infuriated. I am mad at Arum. But I have no reason to get mad, it's not that much of importance. Maybe I'm just frustrated because he left me hanging during the party because he got drunk and did something stupid in front of a lot of people, it's not really something I can be reasonably mad at. I have my own sense of pride, I'm still human. I still experience emotions. But it's not something I allow to hinder my judgment.

"Just go to sleep," I told Arum.

"Fiiine..." Arum complained. "But I gotta use the bathroom," He added. He tried to get out of bed and stood up but failed to maintain balanced, as he was about to collapse Raihen immediately grabs hold of him.

"Whoa buddy, let's take you to there quickly," Raihen told. He places his arms around him and supports his body.

"Easy steps, you can do it,"

"I think I'll just go here," Arum groggily replied.

"Hey! Hold it in for a minute will ya?" Raihen complained. "Hey Hide, I know people can do weird things when they're drunk and he may have overdone it a little, so I think I'll keep an eye on him next time. My bad," Raihen apologized.

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