Logic 8

28 2 1

[Creator's note:] (Hello,  I just want to remind you guys that this is a beta version~ I know there are a lot of stuff that still highly needs work and mistakes are made, but this is why your opinions,  critiques & comments are highly appreciated, thank you for being a part of my journey! ~)

"Hide's POV"

With all the fear and anxiousness, Arum and Raihen could only watch as the situation arises and it is sticky as it can get. Kaze's dark green hair loomed over his face minimally covering the eyes of a predator which made him seem more threatening than just looks. His grip on my tugged uniform and the steel metal baseball bat tightens when any of my two other friends try to take a step forward making it a sign that it will be the end of me if they try anything fishy.

"They could've just permanently expelled me. What a sick joke, how dare they mock me!? Make a fool of me!? I'll make them regret their fucking decision," Kaze's anger was written all over his face. His viciousness and animosity towards me isn't just something I can brush off. On the other hand, I was very confused and clueless as to why he came to be and the best decision I can do right now is to remain silent. I tried to dig deep but if anything I hardly know about him and we've never even met.

His eyes twitched and that's when he forcefully slammed my back into a wall. The back of my head also hits the wall and the impact was enough to make me gasp.

"Kh!" I slightly choked. I was struck with a painful sharp pain that rippled through the nerves of my body. Arum and Raihen rushed immediately attempt to react to the assault against me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Hide didn't do anything!" Arum ran as fast as he could. This isn't good.

"What are you doing?!" I shout. Arum attempted to tackle Kaze but he immediately swings his bat vigorously in reflex with little to no hesitation. He was about to get hit, and I thought for sure it would be the end of him, luckily Raihen was able to block it with his arms.

"Whoa there!" Raihen halted. He attempted to catch the bat with his own hands but miserably failed along the process. Everything happened too quickly but he seems to remain unfazed despite getting a direct hit. A few seconds later he finally flinched in pain.

"Akh," Raihen welped.

"Why the fuck are you defending him?!" Kaze furiously asked. He brushed them both with another swing but the two immediately back away to avoid getting hit.

"I didn't do anything wrong! Why are you targetting me?" I asked in a low tone to avoid offending him. I have no reason to be angry, but he clearly has a problem with me.

"Wait..." Kaze muttered. He takes one deep breath and then spoke. "What did you say his name was?" He asked turning toward Arum.

"If you lay a finger on my best friend, I'd love to get in trouble," Arum threatened.

"Hide is my friend too, and I have to say, I don't like your attitude," Raihen crossed his arms while raising an eyebrow.

"Stop it. Violence is never the answer," I immediately spoke. I wipe myself and stood firmly on my two feet. Kaze directs his attention towards me, he drops the bat and bends down to come closer. The gap between his face and mine grew thinner barely leaving an inch, he holds my chin upwards with a finger and stared directly into my eyes.

He closely inspects me but I suddenly take closer attention to his shiny blue eyes which I can't seem to take my attention away from. I don't tend to exaggerate but it was like looking at the blue sky, it reminded me of something for some reason. It felt weird and I can't put my finger to it, but it felt so... Nostalgic.

Logically Defected [Beta Version] BxBWhere stories live. Discover now