Logic 6

18 2 0

(Author: Sorry, I'm behind schedule, so here have fun)

"Raihen's POV"

Our science laboratory classes were in session. Our professor at the moment talks about valence electrons, molecular thingies, and more sciency stuff. People were extremely focused, even Arum who was sitting on the other opposite side of our corner was listening. He had to sit there because there weren't any seats left and insisted Hide and I sit together. I barely paid attention to the topic, not when I'm too busy looking at Hide.

Why is he so handsome? He makes me so fucking horny. I barely can stay put, I wish someone would give me a blowjob. I want to get out of here.

"Hide..." I tug his uniform for his attention.

"What?" He asks. I grab his hand and placed it on top of my throbbing cock that is bulging inside my pants. Upon doing so he furiously pulls his hand away.

"Leave me alone Raihen," Hide complains. He's so cute when he makes such an angry face, I really want to mess with him.

I drew closer to him elbows touching. Hide definitely knew I wasn't going to stop. He attempts to move a bit farther from me, but I discreetly place my left hand over the other side of his waist.

"Don't go," I say softly. I place my right hand on top of his leg and rub it in a gentle back and forth motion.

"Raihen, stop," Hide demands. My hands brush closer to his inner thighs making him shudder.

"You're making me feel really uncomfortable," He complains once again. He's so irresistible, I've never met anyone as cute as him, it makes me want to-

"I'm so horny, pleasure me please..." I whisper in his ear. I followed it with a nibble on his ear lobe. I let out warm breaths of air with a bit of playful moaning. Thankfully nobody seems to notice.

"Pervy bastard," Hide told eyes twitching. Oh boy, now I made him pissed. Which I find totally cute of course, it makes me want to explore him. Fuck. If I don't control myself who knows what I'll do. I just keep getting even hornier, I'm still in class.

Hide forcefully pushes me away with both of his hands. It made me pout a frown. I can't help it. He's just so... Different. I just continue to stare at him while he carries on taking notes from the lesson.

I suddenly thought I should just chat him from a distance through paper since he does not want me close. I began writing something on my notebook saying 'I want to cum...' followed by a sad face drawing.

I slide my notebook to Hide, he stared at it suspiciously for a while and looks at me. I wink playfully in response. He opens the notebook and reads the message written in it. I received a glare and he writes something in it shortly before immediately sliding it back towards me. I was excited to see what he gave in reply so I check it out right away.

'No' It said. I smile to Hide and wrote again. 'Stroke my big cock please?'. I send it flying towards him like a frisbee. This time he clenches his fists more annoyed than before. He writes back again and throws the notebook. It traveled through the air quickly going directly to my face and landed on my nose bridge.

"Ow! My nose!" I whine but not loud enough to be heard by the rest of the class. I rubbed my nose gently. Damn, that hurts. I open the notebook to see the next reply.

'NO' it says. I give Hide a smile but he immediately averts his gaze. I must've made him really mad this time. Sexy.

The part when he punched me yesterday is probably going to be one of the most memorable things that will never forget.

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