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'Can we hug?' he asks blushing

Hug? He wants to hug me? No one ever wants to hug me, people usually want to leave me, not hug. After all these years and I never thought that I would get to hug my high school crush, it's like I'm living in a dream, maybe I am.
Did I hit my head?

'Tae, did you hear me?' he asks
'Pardon?' (Blalalalala... pardon?!)
'Never mind' Jimin says whilst looking at his feet

Damn, he must of really wanted to hug me, hey, that sounds like a good song title. Maybe I might ask Namjoon if he can help me right it, or maybe I can ask Hoseok, he'll know how to put the words.
Namjoon and Hoseok have been my friends since grade 3 camp, out in the bush we were, in the same group. We weren't friends at first but that all changed when we had to partner up in four, no one wanted to be partnered with me, I was always a freak.

'I'll let you get back to work' Jimin replies back

So that's when Namjoon and Hoseok thought it would be a good idea and invite another freak to join the group, he was a quiet kid, never loud. Yoongi, his name was, a quiet kid.
He grew up poor, like me, in fact we had so much in common then. And we still do now, we both own our own companies, we're both single and we are both wanting to get with our high school crushes. As my mind speaks of having a crush on Jimin, Yoongi's choice in crush was pretty interesting, a friend from our group. Now, I always thought that Yoongi's crush was Namjoon but as it turned out, Namjoon was the one to get Yoongi to like Hoseok.

'Wait, we still haven't done your interview' I answer back

Yoongi was never the type to have a crush on someone, and well, have them like him back. I hear Jimin sigh, he was probably hoping that this was the interview, if I was him... I wouldn't want it to be over.

'Oh, okay' he replies quietly
'Please sit' I say whilst gesturing my hand towards the seat he was in before

Hoseok had the most massive crush on Yoongi, it was so funny to see, and hear. A few times, when Yoongi is walking into school late, and is getting in trouble for it. Hoseok would always watch from the homeroom window, seeing his crush in-between the cherry blossoms, was like a fairy-tale for him. I mean come on, I did the exact same thing with Jimin, I used to watch him from the homeroom window. Namjoon and Hoseok called it my "peeping tom window", now how ridiculous is that? Seriously, why give it such a creepy name? Could've been called "Taehyung's watching crush window" or "Taehyung's Juliet view".

'So Mr. Jimin, what made you want to work for this company?' I ask

I watch as Jimin sits, he places one leg over the other, placing his hands together on top. I notice the cushion didn't sink in, most people when they sit on chairs like these, the cushion sinks in, but it didn't with Jimin. Don't tell me that his that skinny and light, that he doesn't even form a dent into the cushion? I'll be fattening him up if that's the case, I never liked Jimin being skinny, and it always made me worried about him. Stuff like: is he getting bulled at home? Is he getting told by his mother and father to lose weight, he'll fail in life, he'll never get a girlfriend? Well, Jimin proved them wrong, one day Jimin came home with her and told his parents there and then. They thought it was a set up, but she showed them their relationship status of when and where they got together, it was cute.

'I'm really looking for an environment, were as, I can be myself. But not my full, full self, just sort of comfortable with the people around me' Jimin replied

I nodded, writing down his answers, I look back up at him, I see him looking around, his eyes widened as he saw the painting behind him. He turned his head towards me, giving me the face of "good taste" or "good choice", mind you. Coming from a family with nothing, and then growing up into a family with something, my taste had changed.

'Who painted that? If you don't mind me asking?' Jimin asked turning his head
'Jeon Jeongguk' I replied

His head had snapped around quickly, eyes wide open, jaw dropped.

'Jeon Jeongguk? As in from high school?' he asked
'Well of course, what other Jeon Jeongguk do you know?' I replied back smirking
'He never liked art, he never liked anything, besides rap and dancing. That was all' he said with a confused face

Well, he was a private guy, I mean the kid came from money. And a whole bloody load of it, his mother and father were born into it, along with his grandparents and great parents. Even his younger brother, born into it, no chance to exprenance life without it.

'You did dancing with him, didn't you?' I ask
'Yes, but I never did it, I only went there to watch him' he replied looking down at his hands

901 words

VMIN [BTS] Mr. Kim's Office BabyWhere stories live. Discover now