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Hoseok's Pov:

(Yoongi's text: thick text and tilted. Hoseok's text: thin text and straight. Taehyung's text: thin text and tilted.)

"Yoongi! You're dead meat"
"Ooh, I'm scared"
"Oh my god! Look at you Tae, I haven't seen you smile in years"
"Oh shut up"

This is so perfect, I haven't seen Taehyung smile in years, due to Jimin not being in his sight. But now that he is, Taehyung can stop being a pissy little child, it annoyed the shit out of me and Yoongi.

"You're going to be mad at me Tae"
"I sent it to Namjoon"
"Are you fucking kidding me?!"

Oops, was I not meant too? Oh well, now Namjoon has seen it now, there's no turning back.

"Oops, oh well"
"Oh well?"
"It can't be that bad"
"It can"

Oh shit, it can be that bad, hope it's not too bad.

"You three will drag it on for years"
"Well, not like Jimin is going to see it"
"Well, he might"

He might, hopefully he does, speaking of Jimin. I haven't an interview with someone named Jimin, it might not be the same Jimin, but it could be.

"Hey, got to go, I have an interview right now"
"Okay, talk to you guys later"
"Good luck Hobbie"

Aww, he still calls me Hobbie, that's cute. After all these years, I still have a crush on him, but I still don't know who he has a crush on. Namjoon and Taehyung both know who, but they haven't told me, I might ask them tonight. Whilst I was thinking, I hear a knock at my door, I answer. The door opens, thought it was my secretary but I was wrong, it was Jimin.

'Jimin?' I say whilst standing up
'Hoseok?' Jimin says with wide open eyes

Oh my god! I haven't seen him in years, his gotten so skinny, he doesn't have a baby face anymore.

'Look at you! You're so tiny'
'Ha-ha, thanks. Look at you too, you've gotten taller' Jimin replies looking up and down at me
'Well, I was always taller than you Jimin' I reply back with a smirk

Jimin looks really good for his age, not that he didn't look like his age but he looks younger than he is, his doing really well.

'Well, let's get started shall we?' I ask whilst gesturing my hand towards the desk

He bows and walks over towards the desk, he takes a seat, grossing one leg over the other. He never did that, I don't think, maybe he did and I didn't notice. I never paid any attention towards him, I always bulled him because Taehyung liked him, and I wanted Taehyung to stand up for his lover.

'We'll start with some basic questions'
'Sure' Jimin replies

He doesn't sound like he used to in high school, he sounds so different, and his almost unrecognisable. I wonder what Taehyung thought about Jimin, when he walked into his office, what did he think?

'So, Jimin, what made you want to work for this company?' I ask

I ask him as I write down my question, I see him thinking, and does he really know what he wants to do?

'To be honest, I really don't know but I do know that I want to work in an environment with people who will be comfortable with me around them' Jimin says
'Good, good' I reply

That's a good reason, a really good one at that, better than the other appointments.

'Did you ever have any intensions on becoming someone/s secretary?' I ask
'No' Jimin replies

Oh, then why did he apply for this positions?

'Umm, what position did you have in mind here, at the company?' I ask whilst writing it down
'Front desk' Jimin replies

Ahh, front desk, good choice. But not for a male, people would think differently of the relationship between the boss and the secretary, it happened with Taehyung's last secretary. People thought that they were together, because she kept on going in there when she wasn't meant too, then sitting or standing really close to him. I've also seen her a few times in public, whenever Taehyung is walking to his car or a taxi, she's always tried to hold his hand or link her arm on his.

'A good position, but not for a male' I answer
'Why not?' Jimin asks

Oh shit, okay, well I better tell him the truth.

'Most people would get the wrong idea, be-' I start to say
'How?' Jimin asks
'Well, people would think differently of the relationship be-'
'Between the boss and secretary?' Jimin asks

Damn, even Jimin knows.

'Yeah' I answer
'Well, I don't care, if that's the only position left. Then I'll do it'

Well dang, I don't think Taehyung would be too happy about my choice, I'll let Jimin and Taehyung have another meet and talk about it.

'I'll have a think about it, I'll look over your resume again, and I'll call you and let you know' I say whilst standing up
'Thank you Mr. Hoseok' Jimin replies
'Please, just Hoseok'

Jimin nods, I shake his hand, and let him leave. I shut the door and walk back over to my desk, I sit down and grab my phone, calling Taehyung.

'It's me, listen, you better hurry up and employee Jimin' I say
'Did he come in or something?'
'Yeah, he said "I don't care, if that's the only position left, then I'll do it." Bloody hell mate, he really wants a job, no matter who he works for'

Why does Jimin want to wrok in an office complex, its nice and everything, but why mine or Taehyung's?

953 words

VMIN [BTS] Mr. Kim's Office BabyWhere stories live. Discover now