007 : love me harder

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( 007 )


SCARLETT AND VICTORIA SAT IN OLIVER'S LIVING ROOM, THINKING PROS AND CONS. To be specific, pros and cons of Tom. A large portrait whiteboard stood centre of the room, a line drawn through the centre of it.

Cons were quickly scribbled down by Scarlett in the first ten minutes; Tom was insensitive to what Scarlett wants, he's messy, doesn't like cooking, not confident enough for Scarlett's liking.

Though Victoria knew why she was here on her break to the UK sat in a lounge contemplating the welfare of a man; Scarlett wanted to find an excuse not to feel the way she did about Tom in the first place. Her family were so against the union, the one thing her separated parents had mutually agreed on in decades, she was in no state of mind to be a married woman as of right now, and they fought a lot.

But no one can switch off feelings you've had for someone for more than twenty years, not even if you tried your hardest.

Thirty minutes later, an equal amounts of pros to Tom Holland were written by Victoria - ones that Scarlett could never disagree with. For one, Tom loved Scarlett, and said so many times. He looked after her day and night for seven months while they ran away from the world. He watched the girl he loved almost get married just because she would be happy.

To Victoria, it seemed pretty clear which option outweighed the other.

"I know I want to be with him - " Scarlett begins after a few moments of silence that followed, taken up by Scarlett reading and processing all the options given out to her on the whiteboard that reminded her a little too much of school. "But I don't want to jump headfirst with all the trust and love: I want him to show me he can earn thay trust and love from me."

Victoria shrugs lightly, as if the task presented to her by Scarlett was merely nothing. "Then find something that means something to the both of you and post it."

"But there are lots of things that mean a lot to Tom and I." Scarlett says, dumbfounded and drowned in her own oblivion and naïvity. Victoria tsks, almost chuckling at her dear new friend, clasping Scarlett's shoulders in her hands.

"Think about the songs you wrote, the ones you wrote thinking of Tom. Your older ones when it was only a mere crush and you weren't engaged." Victoria almost whispers, and it finally snaps to Scarlett, switching on light a lamp and realisation hitting her like a truck.

"Oh, of course!"


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