Chapter Twenty- Useless

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We're useless aren't we?

We're useless aren't we?

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"Hey." Cassandra heard. It was a soft voice. One that tried to be kind but always sounded too pitiful. It was Vanya. "What's going on?" she asked earnestly as she saw all of her other siblings crowding around a very pale looking Cassandra. 

They parted and Cassandra's eyes fell on Vanya. Cassandra rose to her feet, intending to walk over to Vanya but her body wouldn't co-operate. Instead she just stood still and stared at Vanya. Cassandra tried to smile in comfort as she noticed the concerned look on Vanya's face but found she couldn't bring herself to do it. Vanya wasn't alone. There was an odd looking man standing awkwardly behind her, a strange look on his face, like a mix between bewilderment and opportune optimism. 

Cassandra was just about to open her mouth and explain to Vanya that she was just as much a part of this family as any other the others and she knew as well as anyone what it was like to be excluded...but she clenched her jaw firmly upon seeing the man lurking over her should. She knew him. She'd seen him before. Leonard Peabody.

Cassandra couldn't help but stagger backwards at the sight of him. Diego noticed and reached out a hand to her but Cassandra could only look at Leonard. Her face, if it was even possible, had gone paler.

"It's a family matter." Cassandra heard Allison mumble but her hearing was beginning to fade, as was her vision. Her eyes were going white.

"A family matter? So of course you couldn't bother to include me." Vanya snapped, sighing.

"No it's not like that, we were-" Luther stammered.

"Please, don't let me interrupt." Vanya quipped, her shoulders slumped as she turned to leave. Leonard stayed where he was for a while after Vanya had left the room. His odd grin on his face fell as she locked eyes with Cassandra.

Her eyes were fully white now and she felt the world around her begin to fade. Her knees buckled.

"Cass!" Diego shouted as her body fell to the floor. He darted out to catch her and stood her head colliding with the arm of the sofa. "Shit, Cass."

"What's going on?" Allison asked peering over Diego's shoulder at her imobilised sister.

"She's visioning." Luther affirmed.

"Well, what do we do?" Allison asked as Diego picked Cassandra's limp body up in his arms. Klaus scrambled off the sofa so Cassandra's body could be laid down.

Diego gently placed Cassandra's body on the sofa. Klaus arranged a pillow under her head and scrambled backward, not wanting to get in the way. Diego crouched beside her and looked up at his siblings.

"We wait."


Cassandra was suddenly transported to the last place she ever expected to be: a forrest. It was green and beautiful and teaming with life. After her constant visions of the apocalypse, it was quite refreshing. She could feel the wind on her face and the smell of pine made her whole body relax. But every muscle in her body tensed and screamed at her to run at the sight of the man with Vanya.

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