Chapter Thirty- Survivors

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We're survivors, all of us

Cass screwed her eyes tightly shut and grimaced at the piercing screech of tires against tarmac

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Cass screwed her eyes tightly shut and grimaced at the piercing screech of tires against tarmac. Cautiously, Cass opened her eyes. The car had barely stopped in time. The bonet was hanging over her toes, the tires mere inches away from her feet. At the wheel was a very surprised looking Five. Klaus peered over his shoulder and beamed.

"Cass!" He shouted, she could just hear him through the windscreen, "Look! It's Cassie!"

Klaus clambered over Diego's lap and opened the back door for her. She let out a shaky breath and took a few uneasy steps, struggling in her shock to make it to the car.

"Cass, what the-" Diego began, staring at her, eyebrows creased in complete confusion. Luther was looking at her in much the same way and Five had turned around in his seat just to stare at her. Only Klaus seemed happy to see her.

"Allison's in danger." Cass blurted.

"What?!" Luther boomed. He darted forward and grabbed Cass by the shoulders. His firm grip momentarily snapped her out of her shock induced trance.

"Oh so now you listen to me?" Cass snapped as she squeezed herself into the back seat shrugging Luther off her indignantly, "Five, step on it."

Five started the car and they drove off.

"Where am I going?" He asked perfectly calmly. At least that made one of them.

"I, er, I don't know." Cass mumbled and felt a fresh wave of panic overcome her.

Luther freaked out.

"You don't know?! What do you mean you don't know?!"

"I didn't see a lot of it." Cass fumbled, stammering over her words as she desperately willed a vision to hit her but nothing came, "I, I'm trying but-"

"Then try harder!" Luther snapped by Cass barely heard him over the ringing sound of her hyperventilation in her ears. Flashes of her vision were coming back to her. Blood. Flashes of red. Dark, almost black blood now oozing along the floor and...Allison. All she can see is Allison and blood and blood coming out of Allison and Allison's blood and-

The vision ended as abruptly as it had started and she was aware of her hand being held. It was Diego. He had taken her hand and was looking at her with gentle, wide eyes. Klaus' head popped up from behind him. His eyes did all the talking, asking her if she was okay. She nodded, shaking the memory from her head.

"The cabin." She answered shortly, "They're at the cabin."


Five pulled up alongside the cabin, having followed Cass' directions. Luther hadn't waited for the car to stop before he threw open the door and ran up the steps and shouldered in the door.

Diego was the next out, he ran up the steps, and not far behind him was Five. Klaus hesitated. He waited for Cass to open her door and darted for her as her knees buckled as she took her first step since forcing herself to have a vision. She had to find Allison and the only way she could do that was through a vision. Forcing herself to see things was not something she was used to. Until then she had no idea she could make herself have vision. She'd spent her whole life avoiding them, repressing them. Forcing herself to vision was like confronting a spider for an arachnophobe. Or going drinking with friends if you're a suffering alcoholic determined not to give in to temptation. Her head was pounding her heartbeat was unusually weak. The room was spinning like it would in her half formed vision but she knew she was in the real world. But nothing felt real anymore. Her boundaries had been messed with and so had her perception filter. Everything felt hazy, like she was trapped in a dream. All she hoped was that she really had snapped out of her vision, that they were in the real world and that Allison was going to be okay.

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