Chapter Twenty One- Coming Clean

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He says he wants to get sober

Cassandra left the room, ignoring Luther's calls after her

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Cassandra left the room, ignoring Luther's calls after her. She had seen that look on Klaus' face and, even though he had said he was fine, she knew better. Cassandra immediately headed for the bedrooms.

"It's cute." Cassandra said from the doorway, making them both jump "That you never learned." Cassandra said, teasing Diego as Klaus tied his shoes.

"Ha. Ha." Diego laughed, flattly, narrowing his eyes at Cassandra.

"Do I want to know why you have rope?" Cassandra asked gesturing to the rope slung over Diego's arm.

"It's Klaus'." He answered bluntly.

"You said that too fast for me to believe you." Cassandra teased, coming into the room.

"No, really. It's mine." Klaus insisted. Cassandra furrowed her brow. "He's going to tie me up!" Klaus beamed.

"What?" Cassandra shouted, "Diego!"

"Hey! I haven't done it yet!" He protested as Klaus finished tying his laces, "And it was his idea!"

"Yeah! Yeah! It was." Klaus beamed, nodding too enthusiastically.

"Why?" Cassand asked, her voice softer now as she put a hand on Klaus' shoulder, "You okay?"
"Says he wants to get sober." Diego explained.

"Oh." Cassandra sighed, "You know, there are better ways to get sober."

"I wouldn't bother. I've already had that talk with him." Diego pointed out.

"Alright then. If you're sure that's what you want." Cassandra said, rubbing Klaus' shoulder and smiling at him softly.

"Can you help me?" Klaus asked, pitifully, looking up at her with wide eyes.

"Of course."

"Great! I'll go get a chair!" Klaus exclaimed, running out the room.

"You shouldn't baby him, you know." Diego grumbled. Cassandra snapped her head up at him and frowned.

"I don't baby him..." She mumbled, "He's just precious and I treat him that way."


"Man I hate this room." Diego grumbled as Klaus set up his chair on the floor in the middle of Dad's old room. Klaus sighed as he slumped into the chair. His head lolled about like a kicked puppy. The way his sad eyes widened as he stared at her made Cassandra's heart break.

"I don't know, got me high enough." Klaus mumbled, smiling widely but his eyes remained dull, "I picked it clean of anything of value after Daddy kicked the bucket." Klaus admitted. 

Diego chuckled lightly as he bent down to tie the rope to the chair leg. Cassandra sauntered in from where she had been lingering and slumped limply on the edge of the bed. Diego held the rope tightly and began winding it around Klaus skinny body by walking around the chair in circles.

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