Chapter One

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Y/n L/n's first day at Derry high school had gone surprisingly smoothly so far. Boring, even. Though she wasn't always the most efficient with following directions, she'd managed to get to each assigned classroom on time, quietly blending into the drab and mutely monotone atmosphere with her plain, casual choice of school clothes, their stale lack of 'newness' being painfully evident in comparison to the freshly bought outfits worn by the majority of the cluttered hallways.

She couldn't help but feel almost lost among the colorful, almost deafening sea of rustling fabrics, swinging limbs, swishing backpacks, crinkling paper, and chattering faces, absently noticing the students wearing clothes much like her own seemingly muddle the waters with their taciturn, unsmiling faces, one by one swallowed and engulfed by the tide of people.

Y/n wondered if that's what she looked like to everyone else, too- A quiet, bland smudge on a wonderful mural, colorless and unthinking...?

The girl shook her head, obviously to herself. She hoped it would help push her thoughts into another direction...

It had already occurred to her that she was currently fighting this whole 'new school' situation all on her own. She'd only just moved to Derry, after all, and not even two weeks into the beginning of the school year, so it was given that she was terrifically friendless here. No matter. It was only her first day of school, anyways, right? The day was not yet over, either. And so, sitting there in her assigned seat during her History class, Y/n happened to encounter her very first 'friend' she'd meet at Derry High School.

To her left, redundantly tapping a finger on his desk, sat a proud-faced boy sporting a brunette mullet, who looked just about a year older than herself. Perhaps she wouldn't have paid him much mind otherwise, however, she was becoming increasingly aware of the invisible weight of someone's gaze settling uncomfortably upon her. The girl couldn't help but let her eyes flicker towards him, only to inwardly recoil in reaction to intensity of his stare.

      It could be argued that she was completely overreacting, which Y/n promptly considered to herself...

      Maybe he isn't actually looking at me?

     Maybe just something kind of close to me?

      Briefly, she let her eyes probe the stuffy little classroom, skimming over mindless quotes and posters preaching good grades, finishing homework, and kindness plastered all over.

     Just stop thinking about it...

      It's probably nothing...

      Every so often, he'd shift his gaze away from her... reserved cobalt eyes darting here and there about the room, glinting with feigned interest in his shabby, dimly lit surroundings. The consistent buzz of hushed conversations provided somewhat of a comforting ambience for Y/n.

       However, it did very little to soothe her discomforting thoughts toward the mysterious, shifty-eyed character sitting beside her. Without so much as a suppressed huff through her nose in preparation, she promptly came to the conclusion that she was not going to be a little bitch on her first day of school. So, she turned and faced him, their gazes locking nearly at once. To her surprise, he did not immediately flinch or look away like she had expected him to. Instead, an admittedly charming(as well as unsettlingly), yet somewhat sinister grin crept upon his attractive features.

      Y/n's lips started to attempt to crack a polite smile back at him, but they only managed to twitch slightly, which seemed to be good enough for mystery-boy, who's expression seemed to hardly change. She wondered if he'd say something, but almost found herself wishing he simply would not... The girl preferred to be left alone more often than not, especially when it came to creepy peers who just stared at you and smiled....

(Being rewritten)Insane (Henry Bowers x reader)Where stories live. Discover now