chapter nine

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   Warning. Contains smut.

         Shocked, you froze, not knowing how to react. Blaring alarms went off in your head as he began to shove you against his groin area. Reacting on instinct, you slapped him hard across the face, jumping to your feet.

      "N-no! That's too far!" You exclaim, taking a few steps back.

      He slowly got to his feet, seemingly not angry about the attack.

      " Fine. I'm sorry, y/n. " he said, grabbing your arm and starting to lead you back to the truck.

      You were confused to say the least. Henry Bowers never apologized! But he just said sorry to you... You both arrived at the truck where the Bowers gang waited with some of the losers. They had Mike, Ben, Eddie, and Richie.

      "It's time for you little faggots to pay for what you did." Growled the white-blonde haired boy.

      Richie was thrust forward as they opened the car door. To your horror, they shoved his face into the wet puddle with a moist sounding slap. Eddie groaned and stepped back. Ben was next. Then Mike. Then... Eddie. Eddie thrashed and screamed. Poor boy couldn't stand stuff like this. Whilst he was distracted, you broke free from Henry's muscular arms.
      He cried out and so did the others. Ready for a chase, the crew got ready to do so.

      "It's fine. Let her go. I'll get to her later." Said Henry, waving the boys away.

      You took off into the woods before you could witness Eddie's demise. You ran into the losers who had escaped. You all locked eyes before bursting into hysterical laughter.

      "That was great!" Said Stanley.

      "Oh my fucking god! I swear I pissed my pants!" You heard distant yelling.

      The boys were apparently let go after their punishment. Vomit dripped from their faces. You gagged and looked away. Eddie was sobbing uncontrollably. Mike looked stony faced and distant. Richie was dying of laughter. He didn't seem to mind the fact that his face was slathered with barf.

      "Yeah, that was totally worth it." Said Ben with a less enthusiastic tone.

      "I can't fucking take this anymore! Let's go!" Screamed Eddie.

      All of you fled to your house because your parents weren't home. Eddie was first to clean himself with the others following. The short boy was still shaking from the event afterwards. After playing in your backyard until dark, you all bid each other farewell.


      The next day, Eddie didn't come to school. You all joked and laughed at this. It was most likely because his face was shoved into puke. You suddenly froze in fear and realization as soon as you accidentally made eye contact with Henry. He told you to stay away from your friends. Quickly making up a quick excuse, you ran from your best friends.
      You ran to the schoolyard where Henry soon joined you there. You crossed your arms defiantly, looking him in the eye. He smirked, placing both hands on your shoulders. He lowers his face to your neck, just below your ear. You tense at the action.

      "I said I'd deal with you later. Looks like we are skipping school today." He whispered, grazing his lips on your neck.

      You are pressed up against the wall of the school by his body, you squirming under him.

      "Yes... Yes. Do that. I love making you squirm..." He cooed, you squeaking as you felt his hand on your breast.

      Suddenly, his lips lock with yours. You don't respond at first, but eventually you melt into him. It just... Felt so good! Your lips moved in harmony, tongues battling and dancing within your mouths. Still carrying you, he ran for his truck, setting you down on the now clean seat.
      Grinning, he shut and locked the car door behind you. He pulled off his shirt, kicking off his shoes and climbing on top of you. He rips off your own shirt roughly and unclasps your bra. Embracing you, his lips peck your collarbone, neck, and breasts. You're a moaning mess all the while. He fumbles for his pants and unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans. Your pants were already off.
       Clasping his hands around your thighs, he yanked you harshly onto his lap. Grunting, he shoved your vagina against his groin and starting lightly thrusting so that his penis did not enter you. You moan and grind against him, leaning forward and latching your lips against the skin on his neck and shoulder. He moaned and finally aimed his penis at your entrance.

      "Are you ready, y/n?" He asked, eyes half lidded and seductive.

      "Please, Henry! Please, please!" You gasp, throwing your arms around his neck.

      He pecks your lips a final time before thrusting hard. You wince at the pain, but as he continued, the pleasure overtook the pain. Your moans grew louder and louder as he went faster. This continued until you both were reaching your climaxes. He pulled out and embraced you. He grinned a naughty grin.

     "You might need birth control." He laughed, his smirk widening.

      You playfully slap his shoulder and laugh with him.

      "Maybe..." You say.

      He pulls you into a warm hug.

      "I love you, sweetlips." He whispers.

      But you were already asleep in his arms.

(Being rewritten)Insane (Henry Bowers x reader)Where stories live. Discover now