Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to All the beautiful people who are fanning me!

The party had been going on for a while when Zayn and Louis finally walked through the door. The vibration of the loud music worked through their bodies. They looked around the crowded room of sweaty bodies; Blondes in tight and short dresses showing most their cleavage and men in skinny jeans in tees and shirts.

Louis eyes were drawn to the birthday boy, in tight black jeans and a plain white button up shirt and a full head of springy curls.

Zayn scanned the crowds for his boyfriend and finally found him moments later, flirting with some girl.

Zayn stormed over, seeing red. He didn't. His heart was in his stomach at the thought of losing his other half to some slut in a nightclub. “Niall” He hissed as he approached him.

“Zaynie!” Niall giggled drunkly. “This is sarah? Sally?...” He stared at the girl like that she would supply her name, which she never. “But she has a tongue piercing, how hot is that? Will you get a tongue piercing Zaynie? I feel like blowjobs with a tongue piercing would be amazing! Or can i get one for you?” the Irish lad was rambling away without a hint of an acknowledgment for Zayn's anger.

Zayn glared a deadly glare at the girl who clearly got the hint and slipped away silently.

“ZAYN!” Louis called rushing forward and forcing Zayn to look towards the bar by strong hands on his broad shoulders and Zayn's eyes fell on a patient.

“Liam” Louis said. “He can’t drink or the drugs wont work, and I doubt they are shots of water...”

He said, looking at the boy throwing back vodka shots that had only be let out of hospital an hour previous.

“LIAM!” The birthday boy shouted, rushing over to him and hugging him.

“Sort it out yourself” Zayn snapped angrily, turning back to Niall. “Home, now!”

“No, it’s Hawwiiiee’s birthday!” Niall cheered, throwing back a half full pint glass.

Zayn continued to glare, his blood boiling “HOME!”

“No, it’s my life!” Niall said, standing up and walking to the bar to get more to drink and Zayn at the clear disobeying of his order.

Then Niall flinched, catching sight of Zayn’s angry face and the way he followed him purposefully. before he could even order his drink Zayn was throwing an angry punch at Niall’s jaw, then another, and another.

Harry jumped in. “GET THE FUCK OFF HIM YOU PRICK!”

Louis helped Harry to help Niall up, shocked before placing himself between his co worker and his boyfriend.

“You’re not as clumsy as you say, are you?” Harry questioned Niall, while glaring at Zayn.

“Clumsy? You’re bullied?” Louis questioned, confused by his best friend's behaviour. He'd never even been suspicious.

“Bullied? Everyone loves Niall!” Harry shot. “Every bruise, every burn, every cut...was him!” Harry accused, tone dripping with disgust.

Zayn stepped back, he’d never hit Niall in public before. His eyes were wide, he couldn't lose Niall.

“It’s fine” Niall slurred drunkenly “He loves me, it’s fine”

“That isn’t love!” Harry snapped. “Niall, you’re drunk. You know you shouldn’t be with him.”

“NO! We love eachother, right Zayn?” Niall asked with tears in his eyes, reaching out for him desperately.

Zayn replayed scenes in his head; every hit, every cigarette burn, every cut and bruise, every time he’d forced him into sex he didn’t want. He realised the truth, he realised what he was doing to the only person he'd ever loved. He was breaking Niall, and had to do what was best for the Irishman instead of being selfish and holding onto him.

As Long As You Love Me(z.h/n.h) ~ LarryAndZiallWhere stories live. Discover now