Chapter 7

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"Niall..." Louis said from behind him.

"yes?" Niall whispered brokenly.

"we had the resident neurological consultant look at his graphs, because his brain reading are really quite high..." Louis sighed. "the only solution they can come to, is he thinks he's away. Whether he's got a little dream world or a living nightmare. He thinks it's real...'

"...what does that mean?" Niall whispered.

"you've got to convince him to wake up." Louis said. "well he has to convince himself, but you can help."

"how? What do I have to do?" Niall said, looking at Zayn's peaceful face, hoping he was having a nice dream and not a nightmare.

"talk to him. Try and get your words to slip through his subconscious. He needs to want to wake up, or he won't." Louis said.

"meaning..?" Niall was cut off by the bleeping of Louis' pager.

"I've got to go.." Louis said rushing out.

Niall sighed. Looking at his boyfriend.

"Zayn, Wake up? Because I really fucking need you. I need you to hold me, I need you to kiss me, I just need you." Niall sighed. "wake up Zaynie...please?"

A nurse came in. "Niall?" she said.

"yes?" Niall said with a fake smile.

"They found the men that did this..." She said.

"that's...great" Niall breathed.

"A police officer is here to talk to you" the nurse said before walking off.

A police woman walked.

"were identified his attackers and as his next of kin, while he is incapable it's your choice whether to press charges." She explained.

"of course I want to press charges! Look what these bastards did to my boyfriend!!"

"Yes, well...Is there any possibility Zayn was having an affair?" She asked.

"What?! of course not! we spend all morning together, then he's at work, then we're together all night! The only person he spends enough time with is Louis. and he wouldn't touch Zayn, not like th-" Niall was cut off by the flatlining of the EKG.

The nurses and Louis rushed in, Niall clutching onto Zayn's hand.

"Don't die."Niall kept whispering, and sighed in relief when his heart beat returned the nurses left until it was just the police woman, Niall and Louis.

"I swear to god Zayn, when you wake up. I'm going to kill you myself for getting yourself into this." Louis whispered, giving Zayn a soft kiss to his forehead. He then turned to Niall. "You should get some rest Niall. Me and Harry worry." Louis kissed Niall's head before walking out.

"that's Louis?" The police woman asked.

"Yeah..." Niall said. "but, why would people think he was having an affair?"

"all three are in custody. , James Elvin and Simon Jacobs are insistent that the the third, Greg Horan, ordered the attack as he found out, Zayn, who was supposedly dating Greg's brother, had been abusing him. And the trio were simply protecting his brother..." Niall cut her off.

"Greg..Horan?" Niall breathed.

"Yes.." The police woman frowned.

"What?!" Niall gasped. "you're sure?"

"Well, the fingering prints on Zayn's clothes and skin, the few traces of blood, which was probably from his knuckles, and the tear of clothing fits on of his shirts." The woman said. "the case hasn't been handed over to county yet, so we only have our records, but we're working on tracking down his brother."

"I'm his brother! and Zayn has never hurt me! he never would!" Niall lied.

"oh..oh, well, that bruise?" she pointed to the fading bruise on Niall's face.

"Well, he does hurt me..."Niall smirked. "we're abit rough while we're fucking sometimes" Niall knew the lie.would make her uncomfortable and it wouldn't be mentioned again. "I don't are if he's my brother. I want him locked up!"

"Someone from county will be by to talk court dates." she said before walking out.

"Zayn...I'm so sorry." Niall said, letting tears fall. "I should of come out with you. I didn't even know he was in London, or that he knew...I swear. I love you. Please wake up. I just need to see those brown eyes right now, that'll make me feel better,, please?" Niall sobbed.

Niall kicked off his shoes and slipped into the bed, careful of the wires that were surrounding his lover.

He carefully tucked into Zayn's side and cautious of the IV line, he wrapped Zayn's arms around himself.

"I love you, wake up soon for me?" Niall whispered.before slipping into a light sleep.


Zayn didn't know where he was.

He didn't know he was lay comatosed in a hospital bed, Niall at his side crying and begging for him to wake up.

Zayn thought he was running, he had to get to Niall.

That was his only priority.

He knew Niall was here.

He could here his voice. Niall's voice.

His voice was hurt and pleading, and Zayn had to find him.

He had to. He had to get to his baby Nialler.

"NIALL!" he called.

He was running down a dimly lit corridor.

There were doors every five or six steps leading to identical rooms that just led to the same corridor. The corridor he was running down.

It felt like he'd been running for days.

And occasionally, a consistent beep would be heard over everything for a few seconds before returning to a steady beep that eventually faded into the back ground.

Zayn didn't stop, he couldn't stop.

He had to get to Niall. All that was important was finding Niall.

"NIALL!" he shouted again, flinging open doors and sprinting through that darned corridor he couldn't escape.


Zayn rested his head on the wall, exhaling deeply and letting a few tears fall.

"I'll find you Niall, I promise I'll find you. I'll always find you." Zayn whispered and that was all the rest.he allowed himself.before continuing to run, he just had to find Niall.

As Long As You Love Me(z.h/n.h) ~ LarryAndZiallWhere stories live. Discover now