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"Is Jimin not back yet?"

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"Is Jimin not back yet?"

"No," answered Jungkook as he looked through some photos on his camera, deleting the unwanted.

It'd been a few days since they last hung out as a group yet somehow his consistent absence made it seem much longer.

The three men had the same words in mind, Jimin not being there, they weren't able to go out as much, the trip was not as fun as it first was. They tried to go out together but there was always a missing spot, like how Namjoon would wait to hear a bicker behind him or how Hoseok would expect Jimin's chuckles after throwing a joke.

And most of all, how Jungkook tried to act up to tease his friend only to not find him there and remember later that he hasn't been for a while.

They knew they were exaggerating but they also knew that they had been saving and looking up to the trip for a year, giving out their all, they had hoped and saw that the trip would be beyond amazing, the trip of a lifetime, the one they'd remember when grey and old and laugh about with their grandchildren.

They wanted to make the best of it but how could they when one was missing?

So when Namjoon previously asked if Jimin was back, they all understood his question that had a deeper meaning behind the simple words.

Is Jimin back yet?

They knew they couldn't blame him no matter what, they had seen him so happy recently and that was their only motive, the only thing keeping them waiting, the only thing holding Jungkook back from snapping at him every time he walked through the doors late as to how he abandoned his friends for a she, was his genuine smile and happy twinkling eyes; for what were brothers for than fearing for each other's happiness.

Thus, they all sat quietly each trying to cheer the other up by a joke or a prank, knowing very well that none was happy, all waiting for the brother to walk back through those doors.


"It will be fun!" Eun pointed out at the massive roller coaster.

She had insisted on planning the day out, taking him to a travelling funfair and paying for everything, since he payed for many dates, she said.

His palms started sweating just seeing the big fast moving carts, he gulped.

"Why not ride that one?" he smiled nervously pointing at the tea cups.

"What? That's for children!"

"I just don't want you to feel sick," he tried hiding his own fear, roller coasters were definitely not on his 'fun-to-do' list but rather the scariest.

"Don't tell me you're scared?" Eun smiled mischievously, eyeing him.

"What? No," Jimin panicked, not wanting to look weak, "give me those tickets!" he grabbed the tickets from her hand and marched, standing in line for the ride.

His fingers fiddled nervously, each time the line would get shorter and he would get closer to those big machines,his heart would leap out, he was terrified.

Instantly regretting eating two burgers and drinking a litre of cola earlier, he wanted out, he just wanted to run away screaming and never come back but his man ego was holding him back.

"I'm so excited! It will be so much fun!" Eun squealed holding his hand tighter, he looked at her and smiled.

I can do it!

It wasn't fun.

It all happened in a twirl, the screams, the lights and the turns. All Jimin could feel at that moment were his wobbly legs as he tried to step down the few stairs, his guts were not feeling well at all, it was as if he was still up there, strapped to a chair upside down and screaming his lungs out, praying to come down alive.

He bet whatever was in his guts, all organs were jumbled somehow throughout the ride and never came back.

He couldn't see how people found it fun as Eun skipped down graciously like she never rode with him that devil-made machine.

It didn't help at all seeing his rival coming from afar in his far too good outfit. He wondered how he always popped up out of nowhere and how he always arrived a bit late, did Eun tell him? No way, she didn't like his interruptions as much as he did. Who else would give him the right place but wrong timing?

He couldn't think more, clutching his stomach, Eun held his arm, "you alright?"

Seeing that, Taehyung only strode faster. He stood right before them.

"Have you been here for long?" he questioned Eun, ignoring Jimin.

"Not really," Eun answered still worried about Jimin's slightly bent figure.

Jimin's eyes teared up, his guts churning.

Taehyung was standing in front of him talking to Eun.

I can't hold it in anymore.

He let it out, hunching his body forward he puked out everything he ate that day, his eyes were too teary to see where he threw up.

Eun was supporting him by the arm, she gaged but couldn't let him go at such a state.

Jimin stood up after, slowly raising his body, relieved to know he didn't throw up all over her. Ease filling him as he felt as light as a feather.

He turned his head to the other man who was wide eyed and his mouth agape.

Next thing he knew, Taehyung was letting out a high pitched shriek at his now vomit stained outfit.



Yall i was supposed to update yesterday but completely forgot and slept all day smh🤦🏻‍♀️

Sorry about that

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