6. simulation manipulation

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Haley's P.O.V.

It has been a few weeks since I became a mentor, and to be honest, I'm loving every minute of it. Being a student was fun, but being in charge and teaching students some of the cool things that I know how to do is super fun. Davenport made me a group of my own, which involved a lot of switching the groups around, but in the end, I got Leo, Spin, and a few other students with bionics similar to mine in my group.

Davenport also got me my own capsule and placed it in the mentor quarters. It was placed right next to Bree's so it was closest to the pool, which is not too bad. Plus, I got to be closer to Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo. Not being in the student dorms anymore is relieving.

Even though I only have been training my group for a few weeks, Davenport had all four of our teams go through simulations to see how much progress our groups have made. Last week, mine and Bree's groups went through them. I was really nervous, considering I have only been a mentor for a few weeks, but my group actually ended up doing really well. Davenport was super impressed.

Since Adam and Chase's groups are doing the simulations this week, Bree and I decided to take it easy since both of our groups did good. We decided to relax near the pool for awhile, and when we were done, we decided to head back to the mentor quarters. As soon as we walked in, my jaw dropped.

The room was an absolute disaster.

I know that Adam and Chase are messy, but I have never seen it this bad. It smelled absolutely awful in here, and there was trash, old food, and dirty laundry thrown everywhere. I could probably puke right now if I wanted to. I immediately covered my nose as I walked in with Bree. Near the counter, I saw Leo looking down at his foot in disgust, which was in a piece of pie left on the floor.

"Leo?" I asked while slowly stepping around everything to make sure none of it touched me, "What are you up to?"

"Oh, you know." He replied while grabbing an old glass of milk from the counter, "Just grabbing some milk to go with my pie!"

He held his pie covered foot up to Bree and me, and we both cringed in disgust. Leo went to smell the glass of milk, but he immediately had a disgusted look on his face while pulling it away. Then, he tilted the glass over. My hands flew up to my mouth as the milk came out of the glass in chunks. Leo screamed as he jumped away while Bree just cringed even more.

"What is going on here?! This is disgusting!" Leo finally bursted out.

"Yeah, welcome to my world!" Bree said while throwing her hands up in the air, "Adam and Chase are like a couple of farm animals!"

"Yeah, well at least farm animals lick themselves clean every once in awhile." I said as I continued to look around the room disgusted.

Leo just sighed annoyed and said, "Well, it looks like I'm going to have to clean this place up all by myself."

That's when I stepped forward and said, "Oh, no you're not. I'm going to help you. This is my room now and I'm not letting them turn it into the next sewage plant." Then I huffed frustratedly, "Adam and Chase are really going to get a piece of my mind."

"Thank god, because I'm definitely not as threatening as you." Leo replied before he looked down at his foot and asked, "Can one of you hand me that towel?"

Bree looked over at the towel he was referring to, but she suddenly got a nervous expression on her face, "Uh, I wouldn't use that one."

Leo and I just looked at her confused before he asked, "Why not?"

"Because it's moving." She replied.

When we both looked over, we let our small screams when we saw the towel slithering across the floor. That's when I immediately grew an angry expression.

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