10. lab rats vs. mighty med

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Haley's P.O.V.


My eyes flew open, and my capsule nearly broke from how badly I sprung awake. I opened my eyes just in time to see Leo fall of the couch while jumping out of sleep. I rushed out of my capsule in my pajamas barely awake expecting to see an intruder or something, but instead, I saw Chase, who was fully dressed and had a huge grin on his face.

I'm going to kill him.

"We did it! We did it! We did it!" Chase literally jumped up and down and squealed excitedly. Leo just stood up and we all glared at him.

"We were sleeping! We were sleeping! We were sleeping!" Leo mimicked Chase, but in a much angrier tone.

With my eyes barely open, I turned around and glared at Adam and Bree, who looked so confused and exhausted. Then, I glared at Chase and said slowly, but angrily, "It is 5:30 in the morning. I am a seventeen year old girl, who should be asleep at 5:30 in the morning. So why am I up?"

Chase didn't seem phased about me trying not to explode on him while saying excitedly, "It took five years, but Mr. Davenport and I finally cracked it. We created a new technology that's going to revolutionize the way the world gets its energy!" Then, he proceeded to squeal in excitement with a large grin on his face. To be honest, that kind of helped me not be so frustrated because it was actually super cute how excited he was.

On the other hand, Adam, Bree, and Leo were not impressed. Adam looked at Bree and asked, "Did he just wake us up to talk about science?"

"I don't care where you hit him. Just make it hurt." Bree said to him.

Chase just sighed before grabbing my hand and exclaiming to all of us, "Come on!"

Before I could even say anything, Chase took off running pulling me right behind him. It was kind of hard to keep up since he was running so fast and I could barely keep my eyes open, but the sooner I saw what he created with Davenport, the sooner I could go back to sleep.

As soon as we got to the room, I let go of Chase's hand and rubbed my eyes. Then, I noticed Davenport was squatting next to a glass case. He was very close to it and smiling at the small device inside. He's one weird dude.

"Oh, you are so beautiful!" He was saying to the device, "Yes, you are. I love you, I love you,-"

When he heard Adam, Bree, and Leo enter run in from behind us, he immediately shot up and cleared his throat awkwardly. Bree just gave him a weird look and asked, "Were you just talking to a glass cube?"

"No," He replied to her, "I was talking to my reflection in the glass cube."

Why am I not surprised?

We just all nodded our heads since that definitely made more sense. Then, I just motioned to the little device in the case and asked, "So what is that thing? And please make it quick, I want to go back to bed."

Chase just smiled and answered, "That is the DavenChase Transponder."

Adam just looked at the small device unimpressed and asked, "That little thing is what you two have been working on for the past five years? Your genius is fading, young Chase."

Chase just glared at him while Leo agreed, "Yeah, if you think that's impressive, then I've got a log cabin made out of popsicle sticks that'll blow your mind."

"So what does it do?" Bree asked Davenport and Chase.

"It's kind of like Haley and Leo's energy transference ability. It wirelessly harnesses energy from sources around it then stores it. So it's the ultimate power source." Chase explained.

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