20. space colony

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Haley's P.O.V.

It has been a few weeks since Daniel came and visited us at the academy. Even though we only saw him for two days, we missed having him around. He was a nice addition to the group. Douglas seemed a lot happier nowadays because of it too. Hopefully this means he will stop being so psychotic.

We were supposed to have training today with our students, but since today was the hottest day it has ever been on the island, Davenport gave everybody the day off. It was absolutely miserable. I'm all for relaxing on the beach and staying away from these psychos, but today, it was so much worse.

Adam, Bree, Chase, Leo, and I all sat together on the stairs in the main area. We were all sweating bullets because of the heat. We tried to use our hands to fan ourselves, but it wasn't doing much good. This heat made me really just want to go crawl in a hole and die.

"What kind of rich man doesn't think to put in better air conditioning when building an academy on an island?" I groaned miserably while laying on Chase's shoulder, "For an annoying, egotistical billionaire, Davenport can be super cheap."

The four of them just nodded in agreement. Bree said to us, "I'm so happy Mr. Davenport gave us the day off. It is way too hot to train."

"Yeah. Well, lucky for you, your brother's a bionic air conditioner," Adam said to us, which made me gag on the inside because his breath is the worst thing I have ever smelt.

Chase seemed to agree with me by beginning to say, "Adam, nobody wants your disgusting breath blowing all over-"

Then, Adam began to use his enhanced lung capacity on us, and it felt absolutely amazing. My head flew up from Chase's shoulder as we all shot up quickly and began to take in the cool air, trying to block out the smell of Adam's nasty breath. I didn't care though as I lifted my arms over my head to cool myself down. It was so worth it. Plus, I got to see Chase's muscles when he lifted up his shirt, so it was definitely a plus.

The hydroloop arrived at the academy, and to our surprise, Davenport got off with Tasha. We all immediately ran over to her happily and pulled her into a group hug. When Davenport cleared his throat, we all turned around to look at him. Part of me is dreading it because I know it's going to be all about him.

"Everybody, I have a very important announcement," He began before telling us with his usual cocky grin, "I, Donald Davenport, am the first person to create a livable environment on another planet." We all looked at each other confused as he led us over to the monitor, "Behold, my very own space colony!"

He pressed a button, and a camera view of a planet containing small, glass dome appeared. You could see small paths and patches of grass inside the domeIt was actually super cool. I couldn't even find a snarky comment to say about it.

While the rest of us looked at it in awe, Chase asked Davenport in disbelief, "You colonized a planet?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because it was top secret. And because every time I tell you guys anything, you blow it up, burn it down, crack it in half, or shrink it!" Davenport exclaimed in response.

The five of us just looked at each other nervously before I muttered, "Well, that's a little extreme."

"Yeah, that's not-" Adam began to agree, but then he just nodded, "Yeah, it's true."

Bree walked over to the monitor to get a closer look, "Looks cool. Is that Mars?"

Davenport just scoffed in response, "Oh, please! Mars? Mars is for amateurs. I colonized a planet in an entirely different galaxy. Oh, by the way, did I mention I discovered an entirely different galaxy?"

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