9. spike vs. spikette

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Haley's P.O.V.

When Davenport and the students came back from the field trip to Gettysburg, we all agreed to keep quiet about the whole giant spider incident. We figured it was best if Davenport didn't have a cow because that typically happens whenever he comes back from leaving us alone. Luckily, he hasn't found out, which is really surprising because I thought he would at least check the security cameras.

It has been about a week since the spider incident, and I can happily say that I have killed three spiders the past week. Killing that giant spider practically made me a new woman. They don't know who they're messing with now.

Once we were all dressed for the day, Adam, Bree, Chase, Leo, and I all made our way out to the main area. To our surprise, we saw all of the students in a line in front of Douglas, who was scanning each of their chips. Please tell me he's not trying to secretly experiment on the students again.

"Next!" Douglas shouted after scanning another student.

The five of us just looked at each other confused before Leo said to Douglas, "What's up, Douglas? Doing a price check on bionic kids?"

"I already caught you doing that once." I said to Douglas annoyed, "Why are you doing it again?"

Douglas just gave me a look while Adam said excitedly, "Ooh, I wonder how much I'm worth!"

"Well, we could sell you for parts and find out." Chase suggested with a grin on his face.

Adam just shrugged and answered, "Alright. Just don't sell the part that does this." Before any of us could say anything, Adam punched Chase right in the shoulder. Chase yelled out in pain while rubbing his shoulder, and Bree just laughed and high fived Adam.

I just rolled my eyes at them before turning back to Douglas and asking, "Seriously, what are you doing?"

"I'm just cataloging everyone's bionic abilities." He finally answered.

Then, Adam grinned and said, "Cool! Count me in!"

We all looked at him confused before Bree reminded him, "Adam, we already know what your abilities are."

Adam just sighed disappointed before saying, "Fine, you got me. I just really like standing in lines!" He immediately ran over and cut to the front of the line with an excited grin on his face.

Douglas just rolled his eyes before continuing to tell us, "In addition to the bionics we already know they have, Krane also gave them a lot of weird hidden abilities. I'm just trying to get a grip on what we're dealing with."

Now, I'm interested. I immediately began to look around to see if any of the students were using any of their hidden abilities. When I saw one student's hands glowing bright red, I asked Douglas, "So what hidden ability does he have?"

"Check it out!" Douglas immediately answered excitedly. He pulled a spatula with a raw hamburger patty on it. I immediately gave him a confused look. Why would he have that in his bag? Then, he said in a very fake, dramatic tone, "Oh no! My lunch is undercooked! Oh, thermos hands!"

On cue, the student ran over to us and held out his bright red hands. Douglas slid his hamburger patty into one of the students hands, and the student placed his other hand over it. His hands began to sizzle with smoke coming out of them. After a moment, he held his hand back up, and the patty was completely cooked. Well, at least we know Krane was able to have a proper lunch everyday while plotting to destroy us.

Douglas just laughed and took his patty off of the kid's hands, "Thank you!"

Bree, Chase, Leo, and I just gave him weird looks while Adam looked at the student and complimented, "Sweet ability, dude!"

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