22. the vanishing (pt. 2)

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Haley's P.O.V.

This isn't possible. There is no way this is happening right now. I saw him die. I saw him get crushed by the debris in Douglas's lair, but here he is. He's standing right in front of us with his signature eyebrow raised and smug smirk. I thought I would never see him again. I was too stunned to even speak, but this really was happening. The boy who I had such strong feelings for, but it was all a lie. The boy who lied to me for months and is the reason why I'm bionic. The boy who broke my heart, which took months of repairing. He is back.

Marcus is alive.

"What's wrong, dad?" He asked Douglas mockingly, "No hug, no good to see you? Where's the love?"

Everyone else looked just as stunned and confused as I did. I saw Chase tense up beside me as he took a step closer to me protectively. Douglas kept aiming his gun back and forth between Giselle and Marcus. Finally, he settled on Giselle and asked, "How is this possible?"

"Yeah," Chase said, glaring directly at Marcus, "We saw you get crushed under a mountain of rubble."

"When I was making my 'movie,'" Giselle began while using air quotes around the word movie, "Douglas couldn't stop bragging about his greatest creation ever: an android with bionic speed, strength, and intellect. I spent so much time trying to steal Chase's intelligence, I completely overlooked the fact that Marcus already had it. So I dug him up and reassembled him piece by piece."

Suddenly, Adam gasped loudly and turned to us, "We should try that we Grandma Davenport!"

We all just rolled our eyes at him while Giselle continued, "Marcus's bionic intelligence gives him a photographic memory, which means he remembers everything from his past. And boy, does he have an axe to grind with you, Douglas."

"Me?! Why me?" Douglas asked Giselle and Marcus in disbelief. Then, Douglas pointed over at Leo and accused, "Leo is the one who hated you!"

"Me?!" Leo asked in disbelief. Then, he thought about it and just shrugged, "Oh, yeah. That's true."

"When they attacked me, you ran away. You were my creator, and you left me to die!" Marcus said to Douglas angrily. I couldn't help, but notice that Marcus's voice was deeper than it was two years ago. Despite him being an android.

Douglas just leaned towards Marcus and said, "Well, to be fair, I didn't think you would be coming back."

"Alright, Marcus," Davenport said to him while glaring at him, "I think it's time we finish you for good."

Davenport and Douglas both held up their weapons, but with the flick of his wrist, Marcus used his Molecular Kinesis to throw their weapons out of their hands. All of our eyes widened as Marcus and Giselle just smirked and fist bumped.

Giselle began to laugh evilly while walking over to Douglas and Davenport, "You don't stand a chance against us. I've upgraded Marcus's technology and made him more powerful than ever."

As I inched over closer to Chase, Leo walked over to Marcus and said, "Well, he's going to have to be more powerful because there are five of us now. That's right, bushy brow. I'm bionic now too."

Leo held out his arms and puffed out his chest. However, Marcus just looked very amused and asked, "Seriously?"

Giselle walked over to Marcus and said, "It's just his little arm."

"And my little leg!" Leo snapped at her defensively.

As Leo walked back over to the four of us, Marcus finally turned and looked at me. For the first time, his face partially softened, which confirmed that he remembered me and everything that happened between us. But it didn't change how much I hated him.

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