bonus chapter (pt. 1): home sweet home (pt. 2)

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Third Person P.O.V.

It has been exactly seven months since the original bionic team of Adam, Bree, Chase, Haley, and Leo had to break up. While Adam, Leo, and Haley went back to the bionic academy to divide the students up into teams and supervise this transition, Bree and Chase went to Centium City with Mr. Davenport. There, they formed a new team with Kaz, Oliver, and Skylar Storm known as the Elite Force.

The five of them made a good team. They were very successful on missions and worked very well together, but something still didn't feel right. Even though Bree and Chase got along well with Kaz, Oliver, and Skylar, they couldn't help, but miss their old team sometimes. Part of them still wasn't used to not having Adam, Leo, and Haley around all the time, especially Chase.

Despite Chase getting along with everyone on the team, he couldn't help, but feel like an outsider. Bree and Skylar were usually off doing their own girl things. Kaz and Oliver had a bond that Chase would never fully be a part of. He had fun spending time with them, but he also knows that they have been friends for a very long time. He couldn't help, but feel like the third wheel. Most of all, he felt like nobody really understood him, which made him feel lonely and spend most of his time in headquarters.

It made him really wish Haley was with him.

Since Haley has been so busy at the academy, she hasn't had the chance to come visit him. They do FaceTime every night, which reminded Chase that he wasn't alone. He also never told Haley how he was feeling, just because he didn't want her to worry about him. She has a lot on her plate, and he didn't want to make her more worried than he already was.

A few days ago, Skylar's friend Scarlett from her home planet came to come visit her. While they spent time together and Oliver did his usually terrible flirting with Skylar, Chase spent those few days on working on his greatest creation yet.

An android replica of Haley.

When Chase was finally finished with his masterpiece, he couldn't be happier with how she turned out. Due to his super intelligence, she was just like his Haley. He programmed her to be just like his Haley so it felt like she never left. It was the happiest he had felt in a very long time. That was until Kaz met her, and the Haley replica ended up wanting him more than Chase.

After Chase making ten more android replicas of his Haley and all of them liking Kaz more than him, it made him really upset. Not only did he miss this Haley, but part of him felt like he was losing her. That's what led him to doing the cliche thing of standing on the balcony outside the penthouse, looking up at the stars with his thoughts. He had tried to call Haley, but she didn't answer. He knew she was probably busy at the academy, but there was nobody else he could talk to about his doubts.

When he heard the doors open behind him, he didn't turn around to see who it was. It was probably Bree, but he didn't care. She's not the one he really wants to see. Then, he heard a very familiar voice say, "Hey, Super Boring."

His eyes widened before whipping around. He didn't even think she was real, but she was. It was Haley, his Haley, standing right in front of him. He knew it was her because he could see the locket he gave her hanging around her neck. The locket he gave her on Christmas. Before his mind could even process what was happening, he immediately ran over to her and pulled her into him.

She was shocked by how quickly and tightly he was hugging her, but she immediately threw her arms around his neck. A small smile formed on her lips while Chase placed his head on her shoulder. After a few moments, they pulled out of their hug, but both leaned in at the same time and kissed each other. It had been seven months without Chase's hugs and kisses. She never wanted to let him go.

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