JD (Heathers) +~Fluff~+

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Requested?: yes indeed, by @Animeislife5611

Title: Mr. No-Name Kid

(y/n)'s POV

I was calmly roaming the hall on the first day of senior year, just trying to get to lunch when some rando kid I didn't know bumped into me hard enough to knock me over on my ass.

"Rude much?" I spat, getting up.

"Watch it, freak!" He taunted before bustling away to wherever he was going to spend his lunch period.

I rolled my eyes and walked away, looking for where my best friend in the entire universe, Martha Dunnstock, was waiting for me for lunch. Instead I found something much more hilarious and strangely enticing as I walked into the caf.

Kurt and Ram, two notorious bullies that I hated with s burning passion, were getting totally smoked by some new kid I recognized. He was... strangely beautiful, the tall dark and handsome bad boy all those cheesy novels try to sell to you. He was pretty pale, which contrasted by his dark brown hair and long nearly black trench coat over a black t-shirt and dark wash jeans.

He was way hotter than any vampire bad boy you could write about in some weird romance novel. He was super handsome, making butterflies explode in my stomach and sending tingles of warmth spreading through the rest of my body. Was this love at first sight? Because man, I'd never seen this Mr. No-Name-Kid before but I wanted him to pull me into a rough kiss and never let go because fuck oxygen.

Then, he looked over at me and winked before punching Ram Sweeney right in the face. Martha, my best friend since diapers, came over and I felt her shoulder brush against mine; but I couldn't tear my eyes away from this sexy man punching my tormentors.

"That's a little bit violent, isn't it?" She asked quietly and I could hear the grimace in her voice. I shrugged lazily.

"But would ya look at Kurt and Ram? I know you like Ram, Martha, but it's okay to admit he's a bully and deserves to get smacked around a little bit,"

"But-" she tried to start but I cut her off.

"I mean, before you can be together he's gotta get off his high horse. Mr. No-Name Kid over there is helping," I told her, gently patting her on the shoulder.

"I guess," she mumbled, and when I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye I saw her looking down, playing with her hands in front of her. I pulled her into a soft hug and she immediately laid her head down on my shoulder.

"Movie night tonight, right? I got the Jiffy Pop if you have a good something-something to watch," I asked, and I saw her glance up at me.

"Yeah, I rented the Princess Bride again! I sure am a sucker for a happy ending," she commented softly, accompanied with a little nod. I grinned.

"Again? I mean, I know you love a happy ending but it's not the only movie with that,"

"I'm watching my ex boyfriend get beat up, could I please not get questioned on my movie choices?" She laughed. I nodded.

"I guess. Hey, let's get our lunch, the fights almost over now," I decided, leading Martha away to some random lunch line.

*Time Skip to after lunch in the girls bathroom brought to you by I LOVE PLAY REHEARSAAAAL*

After lunch, I walked into the girls bathroom to wash my hands, since my school never sprung for hand sanitizer in the cafeteria. I also had my notebook and my favorite pen on me, because I always did. We were a package deal.

"Grow up Heather! Bulimia is sooo '87," I heard an annoyed voice call, and I looked up to see Heather fucking Chandler doing her makeup next to her friend/pawn, Heather McNamara.

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