Christine Canigula (BMC) +~Fluff~+

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Requested?: nope

Title: Slide in the DMs

A/N: this is in hc format because I haven't done one yet and I want to

-So you and Chloe broke up recently

-By that I mean she dumped you for being "a total loser" and deciding to wait until after college to start drinking

-You're totally heartbroken

-You went to your first pride with this girl 2 years ago for frick's sake!

-You refuse to leave your dorm for anything other than class

-And one day you watch a bootleg of a newer Broadway musical, starring Christine Canigula

-You were always a fan of Broadway and wanted to perform there someday, but you never had heard of her

-You researched a lil bit and found out she'd gone to your high school and done plays there

-But she'd also been performing professionally since she was 16

-W o a h

-She was also REALLY cute, and you spent the whole afternoon Insta-stalking her

-When you got super far back you saw her posting pictures with some of your friends

-You were by no means in the SQUIP Squad, you just happened to be best friends with Michael Mell and close with Rich Goranski, and have dated Chloe.

-So you decided to be a total weirdo and randomly DM her "help me egg Chloe Valentine's house and I'll pay you $20"

-It's a couple days before you get a response, and since you did that at 3am you figured it was actually a dream, but you didn't bother to check

-After all, you hardly even used Instagram

-So needless to say, you were very confused when you got a notification saying the Christine Canigula had DM'd you

-Her response was "I'm in, who is this exactly?"

-You, after recovering from your mild heart attack, quickly typed back "I'm (y/n) (l/n), Chloe's ex girlfriend and Michael Mell's best friend. I'm into musicals so I found you and saw that you used to go to my high school and hung out with some of my friends"

-She starts writing back IMMEDIATELY

-(She already knew who you were, but she wanted to seem all cool and not like a stalker)

-(She had a huge crush on you in high school, and never fully got over it. She never talked to you though)

-"Oh, it's you! I'm totally in :)"

-You nearly died

-And butterflies erupted in your stomach. Probably just because you were talking to a Broadway leading lady, right? Right. Mmhm.

-Fast forward a couple weeks, you both are outside Chloe's house and you know she's out at her new boyfriend's party

-You don't talk for a while, you both just start throwing eggs and toilet paper everywhere, giggling when you got a good spot

-When Christine hit her bedroom window, you cheered excitedly

-You soon started talking. About your goals, childhoods, past relationships, school, anything under the sun was probably mentioned

-And after a while you ran out of stuff to cause damage with, but you didn't have the logic to go home or walk away

-No, you stayed there, chatting in Chloe's driveway.

-It was late now, and Christine looked really pretty in the moonlight.

-You decided to do something stupid and lean in 75% of the way to kiss her

-Your heart hammered, but you saw Christine's eyes flutter closed as she closed the distance

-She tasted like bubblegum and cherries, you decided

-You quickly closed your eyes and took her waist in your arms, pulling her closer as she wrapped her arms around your neck

-This was interrupted when you heard a honk, and parted to see Chloe in her car, glaring at you both.

-You quickly parted ways, running back to your car and glancing back to see Christine doing the same

-But you didn't get arrested!

-You and Christine exchanged numbers and she officially asked you on a date

-Of course you said yes ;)

-And to top it all off, you saw Chloe tweet "Caught my ex making out with a celebrity in my driveway tonight"

-It was hilarious.

(642 words)

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