Regina George (Mean Girls) +~Fluff~+

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Requested?: yep, by the_apex_predator

Title: Kiss-Proof

(y/n)'s POV

As the phone rang, I wondered how long it would take for Regina George to pick up. She always answered my calls unless she was seriously busy, but this was taking too long. It went to voicemail and I groaned, looking myself in the mirror. I was dressed pretty nice, albeit dark, in a fitted black dress that met me halfway down my thigh with long sleeves, as well as black 4-inch heels.

I had a musical recital today, a really big solo one at that, and I needed my makeup and hair done. But I had absolutely no clue how to do those things, and normally Gretchen, my sister (despite me being adopted), would do it for me. This was a state-wide competition and I had to look good. But Regina George, the best makeup artist I knew, wouldn't answer.

After a second she called me back, and I immediately answered.

"What do you want, loser?" She greeted. I know it doesn't sound like it here but we were good friends.

"I need your beauty expertise. I have no clue how to do makeup and hair but I have a big recital in just under 2 hours and I need it done. Normally Gretchen does it but she's on a road trip with Cady and Karen, as you obviously know. Can you pretty please help me?"

"Of course I can. You know me, I'm not a total jerk. Be here in 10." She told me before hanging up. I grinned, grabbing everything I'd need for the show just in case I couldn't be done in time to make a trip back home. Then I hopped in my car, playing early 2000's bops and absolutely jamming on my way to Regina's house. Or mansion, I should say. She was pretty rich.

I got out of the car, leaving my stuff inside and adjusting the leather jacket I'd thrown on over my nice dress (I wasn't gonna wear it during the show but I was cold okay?)

I walked up to her front door and knocked, shooting her a text saying "I'm here :)"

She opened the door looking as gorgeous as usual, in a black-t-shirt tucked into a white skater-skirt. A bit edgier than her normal look but still girly and definitely still super hot.

"Hey, (y/n). Come on in, I've already got my makeup and hair stuff set up so we can get right on it." She said gently with a wide smile, stepping aside to let me in. "Your dress looks really nice, by the way. You wear a lot of black, don't you?"

"Observant, are we?" I teased, watching as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Well I always noticed but the fact that it's also your formalwear just says a lot." She said, taking my hand casually and leading me to her room. My heart fluttered a bit, but I refused to let her know that she flustered me.

"Oh really, and what does it say exactly?" I asked, curious to see if she actually had drawn any conclusions about me from my dark attire.

"Well, it makes you seem cool and mysterious, so clearly that's the impression you'd like to give people. Seem dark and tough but really be the mega sweetheart I know you are." She said, just as we arrived at her room. I stepped in before her, nodding at her.

"Besides the whole sweetheart thing, I'd say you're accurate. But hon, maybe I'm just as dark on the inside as I am on the outside." I told her, sitting where she gestured for me to as she got started on makeup, not before pulling my hair into a messy ponytail as if I couldn't just do that myself.

"Oh please, you're even nicer than Cady Heron. Remember that time you gave me your hoodie to tie around my waist when I was on my period so I wouldn't have to be cold? Or when you spent an actual hour trying to help a kid find her mom when we were all at the grocery store getting sleepover snacks that one time? You're a bigger softie than you let on, (y/n) (l/n), and I am acutely aware of it.

"Anyone would do the same." I scoffed, watching as Regina focused on putting concealer under my dark under-eyes and blemishes. She looked really cute like that, even biting her lip in her daze of intensity.

"No, they wouldn't. I know I wouldn't, and your sister probably wouldn't either." She remarked.

"You don't even know me that well." I commented. Regina stiffened, and I knew I said something I shouldn't.

"Well then. Let me know you." She said, getting back to work, but doing so extremely awkwardly. I'd never seen her so uncomfortable, so out of control in a situation.

"I... what?" I said after a long pause. My heart rate must have skyrocketed and my hands grew sweaty. I looked down, not daring to look the queen bee in the eye.

"It's stupid, forget it." She said, moving my face so she could do my contour on one cheek.

"No, I wanna know." I told her, careful not to move my face too much.

"Then we can talk later." She said with authority.

The rest of the time doing my makeup was spent entirely silent. We just... watched one another carefully.

The cryptic language surely didn't help my internal monologue, instead setting my brain on fire with theories on what was making her act so un-Regina.

The gorgeous blonde moved onto doing my hair as I watched her work intently in the mirror. God she was cute, like really cute. She could probably drop out of school and be a successful model if she tried, honestly.

The hair was done all too soon as she swiveled my chair to examine me closely, her face mere inches from mine. I looked down at her soft-looking lips, but I just as I was about to shrug it off and make a dumb joke, she hesitantly grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a kiss.

My face bloomed with heat and a folded my hands in my lap, unsure of where to put them.

It was a short kiss, since she pulled away rather quickly and scurried to put her makeup away.

"That was..." I started to whisper, trapped in a giddy daze.

"I'm so sorry, that was dumb, I don't have feelings for you at all and I just- I'm so sorry, let's just forget this ever happened and not tell Gretchen." She said, clearly finding her vanity a lot more interesting than me.

"No." I said numbly, my head still trying to process whatever the hell just happened.

"Huh?" She asked, finally looking up to make eye contact. I stood, grabbing my jacket which I'd thrown on her bed upon entry.

"No. I'm not just gonna forget this ever happened, because goddammit Regina a really like you, and I have for months now! And when someone you really like kisses you, you wanna talk your fucking sister about it. So I'm sorry if it ruins your reputation to have kissed an edgy loser like me but you're not the only one calling the shots here. I'm not gonna tell the whole school, but I at least want to acknowledge that it happened."

Age was silent, stunned for a couple seconds. Her voice dropped to a whisper when she finally spoke. "That's one thing I've always loved about you."

"Care to elaborate on that?"

"You never take any shit from anybody. Even when I was peak asshole, you always had the confidence to put me in my place." She said wistfully, taking a step closer to me.

"Thanks, Gina. Now, can we talk about what happened?" I asked, looking at her carefully.

"I really like you too, (y/n). In fact, I think I might be in love with you. Which is completely terrifying and all, but if it's you then I'll be fine. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Weiners." She said, not breaking eye contact.

A mischievous grin broke out on my face and I stepped even closer, glancing at her lips.

"This lipstick is kiss-proof, right?" I asked. I saw the gears turn in her head as she nodded, and I immediately captured her lips with mine. It didn't feel like explosions or fireworks. Instead it just felt comfortable and like home. My hands tangled in her hair and mine settled on my waist, pulling me impossibly closer.

I was so fucking glad that lipstick was kiss-proof.

(1452 words)

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