Crutchie Morris x Reader (Newsies) +~Fluff~+

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Title: Happy Birthday, We're Soulmates

Crutchie's POV

"So you're telling me that (y/n) is your soulmate?" Jack questioned, quirking an eyebrow as he studied me carefully. I nodded, frustrated.

"Yes, Jack! And I know she's all goo-goo for Finch but I really like her, and I have for a year now. And knowing she's my soulmate makes it worse, somehow. Because every sign points to 'she should like me' but she couldn't be more uninterested. It kinda hurts, Jack. And it's three months until her birthday, and I'm not telling her before then." I rambled.

Let me explain. On every person's 16th birthday, the first thing your soulmate says to you after that day shows up in bold black text on your left wrist.

A few days ago, I had turned 16 and went to school with the phrase, "Hey, Crutch! Happy birthday! Guess you're an old man now." scrawled on my wrist. I stared at it in the morning, trying to decipher who would say it. I hoped it was (y/n) (l/n), a close friend and the girl of my dreams. But I figured it probably wasn't, since the odds were slim that I even knew my soulmate yet.

That morning I bumped into (y/n) in the hall and she beamed, patting my shoulder.

"Hey, Crutch! Happy birthday! Guess you're an old man now." She joked, making me freeze. I quickly recovered despite my nerves kicking in at full force.

"Hey, and you're still a little pipsqueak huh?" I teased, smiling fondly at the short girl.

"Making fun of me doesn't make you any younger, Crutchie. Despite my height and my youthfulness, you're still practically one foot in the grave." She said, rolling her eyes. "Oh, what does your soulmate say to you?"

I smiled awkwardly, pulling my sleeve down more to fully cover my wrist. I would tell her, but she needed to find that out herself in a couple months.

Maybe then she wouldn't be still drooling over Finch, a close friend of hers and a distant friend of mine. She was practically in love with the unaware (and uninterested) boy.

"Oh, just says 'hey how's it goin?', nothing exciting." I laughed nervously. I shrugged sympathetically.

"Well that's boring. Let me know when you find out who it is though!" She said, before turning and scurrying off to class and leaving me in a daze.

That oblivious dork. Who I had a huge crush on. Was my soulmate?

Jack rubbed my shoulder, bringing me back to the present. We were in his room, lying on his bed. We laid next to each other, staring at the ceiling while talking.

"That stinks, Crutch. But at least you know that eventually she'll like you. A couple months of pining and then she'll figure it out and you live happily ever after." He consoled.

"Yeah, a couple months of torture. I have to watch her be stupidly in love with Finch while I'm over here knowing the truth and knowing that they don't even belong together! But that doesn't matter because he's tall and handsome and sporty and can provide for her, but with me she'll never get the type of guy she deserves." I groaned. How could she ever fall for a guy like me, even if I was her soulmate, when guys like Finch or JoJo or Davey were right there.

"Hey, hey! Don't be down on yourself like that, Crutch. Youse exactly the type of guy she deserves, and soon enough she'll realize it. Look, youse is smart, and youse the sweetest guy I know, and youse incredibly handsome. Youse the total package. Plus, knowin' her she probably ain't lookin' for a guy to provide for her. She's the type of gal that probably just wants a mutually loving relationship, and nothing else matters. And if there's anything you can provide for her, it's love."

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