Janis Sarkisian (Mean Girls) +~Fluff~+

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Requested?: yee yee by @I_Should_Be_Studying

Title: Art Tutoring, Apparently a Thing

-so you're taking art class

-and you're.... not great at it

-so you ask the teacher to get you a tutor

-she shrugs and says sure

-next day, after class, the teacher beckons you over

-and a familiar girl steps in

-she looks really punk and good, wearing a sheer green tank top under a black crop top, light wash jeans, Mona Lisa Socks, black doc martens, and a leather jacket. her long hair is blonde, but chestnut brown at the roots and tied into a messy ponytail

-w o a h

-you awkwardly greet her, sticking your hand out to shake it

-she shakes your hand with a laugh, introducing herself as Janis Sarkisian, your art tutor

-who knew artists were so CUTE?!?

-you're gay panicking inside, but keep it relatively cool on the outside

-she smiles at you

-little do you know she thinks you're the cutest person she's ever met

-mutual gay pining ensues

-she comes over regularly to help you with your work

-and your grade soon gets to an A!!

-but that doesn't mean you stop

-after all, you need professional opinions on your work ;)

-one day you come over to her lunch table to tell her something, since her phones dead

-her friends are like ?!?!?!!

-all the mathletes, plastics, and her two best friends sit there

-"hey, Janis. I remembered your phones dead, so I figured I'd ask you what time you wanna come over?"

-oh honey

-the friends... you have their FULL attention

-"Who the hell are you and how do you know Janis?" Regina asks

-you flinch, looking over at her

-intimidating girl ngl

-"she tutors me in art." you explain... very awkwardly

-Janis sees your discomfort and links her pinkie with yours

-that goes unnoticed by everyone besides Damien

-"ooh! I didn't know Jan-Jan had a girlfriend!"

-how gay can one man sound

-she deflects and says she'll be over by 5, so you scurry off to leave her alone

-I N T E N S E grilling ensues

-and she admits that she indeed has a huge crush on you

-so friends to the rescue! they decide to help her dress up and impress you

-still within her style so it doesn't seem out of place to you, tho

-time skip to after school

-the look they lay out for her seems a bit on the provocative side

-tighter fitting red dress with a deep v-neck, black shorts, fishnets, and red converse under a leather jacket

-so when you open the door to THAT, you're shook

-she's all blushy and shy too


-you do your usual hang out but kind of awkward and....

-somehow y'all get real close

-like you're breathing all up on each other

-and she kisses you

-and you kiss back

-when you break apart bc ya know, air, she looks SHOOK

-grinning ear to ear

-you are too tho

-and you dive back in for the kiss, hands settling on her waist and pulling her close

-her hands tangle in your hair and tug gently

-and y'all get kinda,,,, frisky ;)

-nothing actually happens, but you def make out and leave a couple hickeys

-needless to say, you're an official couple the next day

-and big big in loooove

(551 words)

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