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         Boom ! The thunder roared off in the distance . I hate thunderstorms , like hello  I want my sleep . I tossed in turned in bed while the thunder still roared , rain pattered on my window . I was not going to sleep . I went down the stairs , I headed to the pantry . I reached on my tippy toes to reach the hot chocolate . No use , that is until this hand reached from behind me and grabbed it . I let out a silent scream . I turned around to see Harry at the coffee maker already making the hot chocolate .

" Couldn't sleep ? " Harry asked

" Not at all , that thunder is so loud "

" I know and mix that with Nialls snoring , Awful !!! " I giggled like a school girl at his comment . We just sat there leaning against the counter drinking . Then Harry engulfed me in a hug . His warm arms wrapped around my waist .

                  After a while we headed back upstairs . This time he headed to my room . I jumped playfully in bed , Harry right after me . He knew I was ticklish , I knew I was ticklish . He extended his arms and ran his fingers across my stomach . I started laughing so hard , tears were coming to my eyes . He just laughed along with me . We were soon interrupted by a very exhausted Niall 

" Shut up "

" Says the guy who snores louder than the thunder , No thank you " Harry spat

" Whatever " Niall answered as he turned back around . My head slowly turned to Harrys , he was looking at my eyes then my lips . I think  I had idea of what he wanted . My lips soon came in contact with his . It was gentle . His tongue slowly slipped in . It was getting heated so fast . I should have stopped I know I should , but I did not want to . I was a virgin !! He lifted my arms and slipped off my shirt . I took off his .

                     He gave me the most amazing night ever , but after that I felt guilt rise in me . Harry saw how stressed out I looked .

" Harry does it always feel like this ? " I asked on the verge of tears .

" Only your first time , love . Its okay shh.... " I rested my head on his bare chest my eyes slowly drooping . I fell asleep to the sound of his steady heart beat .

                The  rain still pattered on the window . There I was l my head on his chest . My body clinging to the sheets . I got out of my bed , and slipped on some sweatpants . I shook Harry awake . "What ? " He answered . OMG !! He morning voice was so cute . " Get up " I answered . I slowly got out of bed . I checked him out ( who wouldn't ) .

" Like what you see "

" Yes , I do " He just laughed at my response . Once he was dressed he grabbed his suitcase and headed out the door . I forgot , today was the last day . I was going to miss them more then ever <3 . Luckily I still had Damean . I jumped on Dameans back as he walked down the stairs . There they were saying goodbyes . I hated goodbyes I always cried . I walked over to Louis I grabbed him into a tight hug .

" I will miss you so much " He choked on the last word .

" I will miss you too , I love you "

" I love you too " I let go and went to Niall . He gave me his famous Horan Hug .

" I will miss you too "

" I will miss you too bethy , Luv u gurlyyy " He said in a high pitched vioce .

" Luv you too " I said . I moved onto Zayn . He just stood there awkwardly that is when i pounced on him . I heard a stifle laugh  come from his lips .

" I will miss you Zaynie "

" I will miss you too bethy " I soon dismissed myself from Zayn and moved onto Liam . I wrapped my arms around his torso .

" I will miss you "

" Miss you too " He lightly kissed my for head . I unwrapped my arms to move onto Harry . He was in tears , which caused me to be in tears . I tightly pulled him into a hug .

" I will miss you so much , and - I l-love you " He finished the sentence I felt like I could fly to the moon .

" I will miss you too , and I love you " Once I said that his face lightened up from his tensed position . I pulled jis head to mine as our lips moved together .

" Get a room " Niall squeaked . I laughed as we puled apart . Bye ! The words I never want to say . I watched them enter the black van at the end of the drive . I waved goodbye as they pulled out so, did everyone . I turned around to turn into a hug from Damean . I hugged him so tight I heard him stop breathing for a second . I cried my tears staining his shirt . He just rubbed tiny circles on my back quietly saying ' shh... " To calm me down it really was not working .

" How bout we go watch Wizard of oz " He suggested . I nodded  my head silently . I went to the freezer and grabbed the ice cream with 2 spoons . I headed upstairs to see movie the movie already in . I sat down the ice cream between us , and handed him his spoon .

                   The movie was now over and my eyes were stinging from crying so much . My stomach as fuller than I thought . To make things better I still missed them . I wanted them back , my brother , my Hazza , all of them .

" Turn that frown upside down " Damean chirped . I did the smallest smile probally known to man .

" Not what I wanted but that is a start " I giggled a bit .

" Want to watch another movie ? " I asked

" Sure we will watch Princess Diaries " He singed . He loved that movie no matter how  girly it was , and I made him watch it all the time . The movie started to play . I snuggled my head into Dameans chest . My eys dropped automatically . I guess I was really tired , who would have thought ??

( A/N ) - I heard Live While Were Young , it was amazing !! I loved it I am so proud of the boyzz ! <3 I love you guys good job ... My moms bday is tommorow :) Well goodnight :)xx

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