True Love

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  • Dedicated to All of my fans <3

   Me and Harry laid on the bed talking about everything . I just loved the conversations , and suddenly the baby came up . " What do you think it is ? " Harry asked .

" Well , I dont know , what do you want it to be ? "

" A girl " Harry said shyly . I wanted a boy so there is a problem , but whatever . I will be happy with either one . I stared into his green orbs taking in everything that was happening . Then I started crying reality finally hit me  . I was pregnant and only 18 . Harry looked almost shocked or confused , but he still pulled me into his arms .

" Harry , what if I loose the baby ? "

" I will be there and when we are ready we will try again " He answered calmly . " Harry I really do love you "

" I love you so much too " He replied . He kissed me gently on the lips , but I wanted so much more . I put my lips back on his as ours moved in sync . I pulled away though and laid my head down on his bare chest . My eyes soon closed , and fell into a dream that I did not want .

    -- DREAM --

I woke up in something sticky . I cautiously got up and examined my body .

" AHHHH!! " I screamed at the top of my lungs . It was the worst thing ever I was sitting in a pile of blood . I ran into the living room to see the boys .

" Harry , I am bleeding , I lost the baby " I screamed

" Call the hospital " He said flatly his eyes still glued on the TV . He did not care , but he said he would be there for me if I did . I looked down to see more blood . I raced over to the telephone and dialed the number .

" Hello this is Grady's hospital "

"  I am bleeding , and I lost the baby " I said crying the tears stinging my eyes . " We don't care " was her reply . Nobody cared that I lost my baby , nobody .  The phone fell from my hands as I collapsed on the floor . Letting the tears poor out I cant believe this was happening .


           I let out a screeched and bolted out of bed . Making sure I was not bleeding . Thank god I was not . " It was just a dream , just a dream " I kept whispering . Harry came bolting through the door out of breathe . He probably heard my scream . I started to relax , I was fine .

" Whats wrong babe ? " Harry asked worried

" Just a really bad dream " I answered completely calm now . I followed Harry down the stairs and into the kitchen to be greeted with food . I walked in the dinning area and sat down by Lou . I grabbed his arm and put it on my shoulder . I put my head into his stomach and wrapped my arms around his torso . He hugged tighter which meant I did to . Harry carefully carried the food out on plates .

" And for you " He said and placed a plate of PANCAKES in front of me . Harry knew me so well , and he even made them into the shape of mickey heads . I looked down and thought it was missing something . I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a jar of pickles and peanut butter . I sat back down and put the peanut butter on first then the pickles and last but not least the syrup . I caught a glimpse of disgust on Liams face . I looked down and started to eat . I had to admit it was the best thing ever .

  Once we all were done with breakfast , I went upstairs and went back to sleep . I laid down and shut my eyes . That feeling of relief washed over me . I should have known that it was not going to last long . Niall come walking through the door , and made his way over to the bed .

" Bethy , get up sweetie "

" No " I mumbled

" We are going to the mall " That was al it took . I was out of bed now , wide awake . I loved the mall oh wait you probably already know that . I walked down he hall to my hotel room , which I never used . I strutted to my wardrobe . Got a sweatshirt and some skinny jeans with TOMS , and straightened my hair . Louis and Harry were already ready so I just went to sit down by them . Louis pulled onn his lap and started playing with my hair . I loved when people played with my hair . He twirled it in between his fingers . Harry started rubbing my legs . Well , they are being awfully nice this morning .

" Whats  wrong ? " I asked getting straight to the point .

" Why would you think somethings wrong " Louis said acting dumb

" Your playing with my hair "

" Cant I play with your hair " I gave him the look , and he sighed . " The doctor needs to see you today"

" But I was going with you guys "

" Harry is coming with you " I got up and grabbed my new purse along with my phone . I waked toward the door waiting for Harry to tag along . Once he came we were out the door . I took Harrys hand and interlaced his fingers with mine .

" Whats that " Harry asked pointing to my arm . That was were my tattoo was it said : Vivre sa vie dans le moment .

" It says live in the moment " I replied

" That's cool " We walked into the elevator , and I did what I always wanted to do . I pressed all of the buttons . This was going to be a long ride . I soon backed away revealing what I had done . I remember this one time me and my dad went to Disney world in America and when we got out we pressed all of the bottons . So , that the next people had to ride all of them . That was the only good memeory I had with my dad , before he left my mom. Enough with my drama . The elevator music started to play . Harry bowed and siad " May I have this dance ? "

" Yes " He wrapped his arm around my waist and both of mine around his shoulders . We danced and danced until we reached the lobby . Harry walked out firest I following behind . We made our way down the side walk and entered Grady's .

" How may I help you "

" Reservation for Beth Tomlinson " Harry spoke from behind me . She escorted us to the same white room , the same white bed spread , the same white curtains .

" Well , hello Miss Tomlinson I need you to lay down for me " I did as told as he spread-ed that jello gue on my stomach and put the reader on it . I looked down at my stomach it had gotten slightly bigger . Where has my flat stomach gone !!! My belly showed up on the screen and there it was a tiny little baby . I squinted my eyes tilted my head . I still had no idea what it was .

" Well , your baby has grown faster than expected "

" Is that a bad thing ? "

" It really depends " Well , he could tell me more but I guess not . I slowly got up and headed out the door . Harry put his arm around my waist holding me close . His lips touched the top of my head gently . We walked out of the hospital and down the side walk to the hotel . Well you know - STARBUCKS !!!! I yanked Harry in the different direction . I ran inside Starbucks to be greeted with the nice smell of coffee . I went to wait in line . It was not that bad about two people in front of us . There was this weird woman with a big Hat . Fire engine red hair , lime green feather , and she was so pale . I started to laugh , and Harry laughed by me laughing . Soon we were in a fit of giggles , getting weird looks from everyone . Today was like a fairy tale and I had my prince . I woke up and it was a good day , and tonight it is going to end a good day . I sure to HELL was wrong about that statement !!

( A/N ) Hey yall , Thank you to all of my fans and my new fans . I looked at my profile yesterday and saw 18 votes and I was like holy crap . I love all of yall . Trapped is coming soon but go check it out :) That does not mean that this story is close to being done cause it is not !!! Love yall once agian hope you enjoy !! - Love Beth

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