something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue

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  I looked over at my alarm clock the light burning my eyes. I felt Harry snake his arms around my waist and pull me closer to him.

" Beth " He whispered.

" Yes Harry " No answer you turned to look at him. He was still asleep , proballing tlking in his sleep. I ran my hand threw his curls bouncing once they left my fingers. Harrys grip tightned around my waist. I rested my head on his bare chest and closed my eyes for the final time.


" Beth get up " My mother shook me up. I fluttered my eyes open and looked at my mum who happened to be fully dressed ready to go. I gave her a confused look and she said " We are meeting with the planner for the last time " I pulled the duvet up placing my feet on the cold hard wood floors.

It did not take me long to get ready. I took a sticky note and scribbled a little note to Louis and Harry.

      Remember to feed the babys , give them a bath and change their diapers. Lets not repeat what happened last time ( Louis ) Well Love you and tell the boys I love them too ~ Beth xoxox

I stuck it to the fridge where I knew one of them would see it. I rushed out of the door and into the Vox wagon ( The brand new version ).

" Took you long enough " My mom laughed

" Sorry " I smiled. We soon pulled up to old building at the end of Main street. I slammed the car door shut and entered the door of the planner.

" Ello Love lets get started , your wedding is only in a matter of days. " She led me to the back of the room, filled with binders a big round table with rolly chairs arounf it.

" Sit " She pointed to the seat beside her. She ran a hand through her long blonde hair looking through the endless pages in that binder.

" Okay Beth Tomlinson lets get down to buisness ... Tell me what you are thinking for your wedding? " She asked.

" Hmmm.. Well I really want it to be simple not to big. I guess classic. " I replied unsure of what I wanted. Like a kid in a candy shop. She wrote down a few notes and gestured for me to follow her into yet another room.

" Try this " She shoved a spponful of something into my mouth. I hesitated at first but it was. Really good. I nodded my head and she agian wrote something down. We moved on to music.

" I need you to look through the tracks and pick out one for your first dance , father-daughter dance , and then dancing songs that everyoner can dance to " I ran my hand over the old records but I came acroos my favorite that would be perfect. Kiss me byt: Ed Sheeren.

" First dance " I handed her the song and she put it into her bag. Uhmmm... Next is going to be hard. Until I came across Jonas Brothers : When you look me in the eyes.

" Could I have a dance with my brother ? " I asked hoping she would say yes. Whithout hesitation she said " Of course , its your day "

" Then I want this one " I handed her the track and she just smiled to herself. I picked more tracks after that .. more modern songs to dance to and then the last song I wanted to pick ... I didnt want to dance with him ... at all.

" Can we move on " I walked over to the other side of the room.

" I have a few more questions then I am giving you homework " She ran after me.

" Shoot " She glanced up at me then back down at her many questions.She unclipped the papers and handed them to me.

" Just do them at home and bring 'em to me tomorrow "

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