No !

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  • Dedicated to Everyone

Hello all of my fans and readers !! I did loose a fan but it is her lose not mine right ?? RIGHT !! I am sick :( I dont know what I have but my stomach is aching , my heads hurts , I can barely breathe !! Well enough with my drama , How are y'all ??


             It had been about 2 days I have been strapped in this hospital bed , and the food was horrible . Harry stayed the whole time . I felt bad for Harry having to stay with me .

" Harry you need to go home and get some sleep " I put my hand on top of his . He had bags under his eyes , and was pale .

" I need to stay with you " He grazed his thumb across my hand .

" Tell Louis to come and watch me . Sweetie you really need some sleep , there are bags under your eyes " He just nodded his head and left the room . Louis came and sat down and sat down beside me . He took my hand in his . I tried to smile but it felt as if all my energy was drained out of me .

" I just want to go home " I whined .

" Same here " Louis rubbed his thumb across my hand and continued watching the fut ball game that was playing . I just closed my eyes and went into a deep sleep . Only if I would have known that I might not wake up .


-- Louis POV --

 I just wanted to get out of here but I was not leaving my sister . Come on Chelsea ! I cant believe they just let them score like that . I glanced over at Beth and she was sound asleep . Poor Bethy , Just had a child , 2 actually . Strapped in this hospital bed . They are not letting her get up and lets not go into detail about how she uses the bathroom .

The doctor opened the door letting it bounce off the wall . About 2 nurses followed behind him .

" Is she doing okay " He asked

" Yeah she just got to sleep " I smiled and he did too . The nurse took a needle and injected into her arm . I tried not to look but I did . I gaged at the sight before me . I don't want you guys to gag or I would tell you .

" C45 " The doctor gasped and ran out of the room . The nurses looked star struck . Like they just lost their puppy .

" What does that mean " I asked frantically .

" Sir we need you to leave " The nurse began to push me out of the room and into the waiting room .

" What does it mean " Still no answer . She closed the door behind her . I turned around to see all the boys rushing towards me .

" What happened " Niall and Harry asked at the same time .

" I don't know they wouldn't tell me anything , let me call mum " I walked out of the room and dialed her number and waited , waited . RING ! RING !

" Hello "She answered

" What does C45 mean ? "

" Why ? " She really did not know how important this was . I was about to pop .

" Just tell me " I screamed

" Okay , it means that the patient has become in an early stage of a coma , usually found in young adults with child birth - " She stopped mid sentence .

" No " She breathed out .

" Yeah " My voice cracked and I was letting tears leave my eyes . She was in a coma . Just when things were starting to look brighter . Harry rushed in a looked at me worried . I pressed the end button without even saying good  bye .

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