Dont do it

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( A/N ) I know it is short but I really could not think of anything! Next chapter will be a lot longer I pinky promise!!! Well hope you like it! :) Have a HAPPY HALLOWEEENNNNN!! I am going to be Alice from Alic and wonderland!! It is cute but not scary last year I went as something scary but this year... Idk! Tell me what yall are going to be! Lots of love .....

 I felt the damp floor against my face. Where am I ?? Oh that's right some douche bag throwed me in a damn room. They we rent telling us anything like what were we doing her? Why were we here? The door slung open revealing the last person I would ever want to see again. Even worse than my father. Ryan.

" Ryan " I whispered.

" Yes dear .. miss me? " He smirked.

" Miss you pshh I miss my father more than you " I spat back. Then my right cheek stung but I ignored it since it so happened many times. In case you are wondering this is my X-Boyfriend. Before Logan .. He moved closer and closer to me. Until he was right in my face.

" One more time and I will let you go " He whispered harshly. I gulped hard ... No!

" No I have a boyfriend and children " I swung my arms trying to get out of his grip. His smirk grew wider.

" Guess we will do this the hard way then " I just shut my eyes and then the door slammed open and bounced off the wall.

" Harry! " I screeched out. Ryan stepped out of my view and walked up to almost examine Harry. He circled him trying to intimidate him but Harry was at least 8 inches taller. He just scoffed at Ryan. The ropes were cutting my wrist and I let out a whimper. Harry rushed by my side and untied the knots.

" Its gonna be okay " He whispered.

" Okay "

" Did he touch you? " I just nodded my head in response. Anger filled his eyes he stormed over to him and hit him square in the face. The ground shook slightly as he hit the ground. I swear this place was about to crumble down. Harry came back quickly and picked me up. I was out .. alive .. maybe am gonna have nightmares but I was out. All because of Harry , I would not be able to thank him enough.

We were know in the car and safe. He still has not let me go but really I did not want him to.

" I love you " I squeaked out breaking the awkward silence between all of us. He just looked at me tears at the brim of his eyes. He pulled me closer to him and I felt the familiar warm lips against my cheek.

" I love you too " He whispered.

I love you but I shouldntWhere stories live. Discover now