Whats happining ?

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          I jolted upright in bed . I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could , and  coughed up the food I had  ate . Dizzyiness ran over me as I stumbeled on the floor . Soon enough my head was back in the toilet . Damean must have heard me because he rushed in . He pulled my hair back and rubbed my back gently .

" Thats disgusting "

" No shit sherlock " I said as I came up for air . I have never felt so sick before , and trust me I have been sick . Like really sick were I had to go to the hospital .

" What time is it ? "

" 9:00 " He answered checking his watch . My head soon fell into my hands as I breathed in and out slowly . I slowly stumbeled on my feet and went to check my calender . They have been gone for a week now , but I have maneged to stay through it with the help of Damean . I missed them so much !

         We are never ever ever getiing back together -

As soon as I heard that I bolted to my room . Glanced down and saw : Hazza <3 . My finger hovered over the accept bottun for a second . I did click on it though .

" Hi " I said

" Hello love guess what ? " He chirped happily

" What ? "

" Better pack your bags cause your coming to America . All I could do was scream at that moment , and that is exactly what I did . " When ? "

" Tomorow , I got you on the earliest flight here . "

" I cant wait ,  AHHHH !! " I screeched . I could not contian my excitment , I was going to see them .

" See you then I love you "

" love you too Hazza " and with that our conversation ended . I quickly ran to my wadrobe and grabbed my duffel bag . Then grabbed a pencil and paper . I dont know why I did this but it helped me plan what I was packing .

                   Packing List

- Sweatshirts

  - Jeans

- T shirts

- Bathroom Items 

        There I was done . I was managed to shove all of the jeans , t shirts , and sweatshrts , along withy bathroom supplies in on bag . Phew ! That was hard work . Then that is when I felt it agian . I ran to the bathroom to cough up agian . Why was I so sick ?? Maybe the flu , or strep throat . I was exhausted , I traveled over to my bed . My face felt the cold pillow . As my eyelids shut for good .

                                    I turned and flopped myself awake , and looked at my alarm clock : 10:00 . Wow ! I slept all night . I got up maybe a little too fast and there I go off to the bathroom agian . Why Me ?? Harry said the plane was leaving at 12 and someone was picking me up at 11 . So, not much  time to get dolled up . I really did not feel like getting changed but I did anyway . I put on sweatpants and a sweatshirt , threw on some foundation . Stumbiling down the stairs , nousius , coughing up every morning . What is up with me ??

* HONK * * HONK *

               There was my ride . I jogged out the door , and into the car . To see non other than Sabra .

" What are you doing here ? "

" Niall invited me " She said while bludshing .

" You guys are so cute together " I squeaked .

" We are not dating " She argued

" Not yet " I mumbled loud enough for her to here . I saw her roll her eyes at me . We drove down the road . Me and Sabra talked about our weeks and stuff like that . Then we went over a speed bump , and it hit me agian . I grabbed the nearest thing . Which in this case would happen to be my purse .

" Are you okay ? "

" No , I have been feeling sick these past couple mornings " I replied

" Not like its any of my buissness , but did you and Harry "DO" anything this week "

" Yeah "

" Did he use protection " . OMG !! I have no idea and it happened in the spur of the moment . Holy shit , I might be pregnant .

" No , No , No . This can not be happening "

" Shhhh... Beth it is going to be okay , and maybe he did " She was trting to calm me down , but it as sure as hell was not . I pulled out my phone : 11:40 . We had enough time to get to the airport . Lets just pray that he used protection .

             " Please buckle your seatbelts and prepare for landing " The flight attendent spoke through the intercom . I did as told so did Sabra . The landing was a bumpy ride . I exited the plane as soon as possible with Sabra close behind . There they stood the boys holding signs saying : Beautiful Ladys !! Typical them !! I dropped my bag and ran to Harry as fast as I could . He held out his arms as I jumped into them . My legs wrapped arounf his torso . I kissed him passantly like I have not kissed him in weeks . Then someone coughed loudly , it was Louis wanting me to give him a hug . I let go of Harry moving to Louis .

" I missed you so much BooBear "

" I missed you to Bethy , now lets get to the hotel before fans spot us "

" Okay "

                     We pulled to this giant hotel , about 100 floors . " Wow " was all that was managed to come out of my mouth . We all got out and I got my bag . Harry then decided to take it .

"Harry I am not letting you do that "

" UHH... Yes you are " He was much taller than me so he dangeled above my head . Meany !! We all settled in the elavater . The eleator went up to the 40th level .

" Okay so the girls get room 210 " Liam instructed

" Okay " The elvate doors soon opened and we all stumbeled out . Me and Sabra headed to room 210 . Once we got in I went straight to the rooms and of course I got the bigger on .

" Hey Sabra could you do me a favour ? "

" Yeah . what ? "

" Could you go to the pharmacy and pick up some pregnancy test " I quickly said .

" Of course " and with that she chut of the room , and which left me bored . So , I decided to turn on the tv and watch Disney . I loved Disney it was like I was a kid agian . Reminded me of the kid years good times * shed a tear * . Sabra came back alot quicker than I thought .

" Here you go , good luck " She said as she handed me two of them . I went to the bathroom and did the test . The hardest part was waiting . I awkwardly sat there hoping it would say negative .

" Negative , Negative , Negative " I whispered to myself . The five minutes was over , I slowly picked up both of the test . That is when my world came crashing down . Both test had little pink plus signs . I was pregnant !!

( A/N ) AAHHH !! Hope you like it !! Love yall - Beth

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