Chapter 11

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A Week Later

Today I had to film a scene where one of my character's friend is killed by Kara due to a virus that causes people to crave human flesh. The director said to improvise as they wanted the most realistic reaction as possible for this scene. This meant I had to shout at my mum as well as Melissa all without having a breakdown. Which is hard enough in real life due to recent events, I was still a little shaken up about what happened last week.

3. 2. 1. Action! The director shouted.

I was playing out in the garden with my friend, but as soon as Kara and Lena saw they rushed out.

"Get away from her! Get away from it, Piper!" Kara yelled.

"NO! No! NO! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO! You don't understand!" I shouted as I stood in the way, protecting my friend, my fists clenched but I was pushed to the ground by Kara and was grabbed by Lena. Kara repeatedly punched her as I was screaming for her to stop. But within seconds she was dead. "She wanted to play with me! She just wanted to play!"

"She wanted to kill you, Piper!" Lena shouted

"I was gonna lead her away!" I protested.

"You could have died!" Kara shouted.

"It's the same thing! You killed her! You killed her! It's the exact same thing! How could you! She was my friend! She just wanted to play!" I shouted looking between them both "She didn't want to hurt anyone! She just wanted someone to play with!"


"You don't understand! Both of you don't understand! NO ONE UNDERSTANDS!" I screamed, "What if I killed you! Would that be okay!? WHAT IF I KILLED YOU!?" I gasped for air.

"Piper. Piper listen to me," Lena asked as she grabbed ahold of my hands trying to calm me down.

"You don't understand! You don't understand!" I shouted pulling back into a ball, "You didn't have to. She didn't want to hurt ANYONE!" I screamed, "SHE WAS MY FRIEND AND YOU KILLED HER!" Kara just knelt there shocked. "She was my friend," I sobbed falling into a ball.

"AND CUT," the director said. I didn't move or stop sobbing, I just knelt there crying as hard as I could. I could tell during the scene that Melissa was shocked and so was my mum.

"Sweetie are you okay?" Katie said as she came and sat beside me. I was now rocking back and forth.

"It wasn't my fault, it was his," I repeatedly muttered under my breath. Katie obviously heard this.

"What isn't your fault, honey?" she asked, starting to rub my back.

"You don't understand. You don't understand! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! NO ONE WILL!" I shouted getting up and running off. By now everyone was watching and I collided with Melissa who was trying to stop me from running away.

"Get off me!" I shouted, tears still streaming, trying to get out of her grip.

"Clem you need to calm down," she said still holding me tight. Katie ran over.

"No one understands! No one understands!" I screamed falling to the ground clutching my head.

Chyler's POV

I was sitting in my trailer reading a book on my couch when all of a sudden there was loud constant banging on my door.

"Chy, open up it's important!" The banging continued as I walked to the door. When I opened it, Mel was there, she looked like she had been crying.

"What is it?" I asked worriedly.

"It's Clemmie. We were doing an improv scene and all of a sudden she broke down and now she's calling for you and- and-"

"Mel calm down, your rambling again. Where is she?" I said grabbing my jacket as we headed to set.

When I arrived people were crowding around Clem and Katie I ran over.

"Everyone back off okay?! If you're not helping go away!" I ordered as I put my arm around a sobbing Clemmie. People slowly backed off.

"Why don't we take this back to my trailer, huh?" I asked and Clemmie nodded.

As we got to my trailer Clemmie stopped "Mum, can you wait out here please?" She asked. Katie looked heartbroken as Clemmie headed in.

"I'll tell you everything later, I promise. You go home and get some rest" I whispered the first bit so Clem couldn't hear. I gave Katie a hug and walked into my trailer.

I sat down opposite Clemmie, "Wanna tell me what that was all about?" I asked, but she shook her head, "alright," I sighed we sat there in silence for a few minutes before Clemmie decided to talk.

"We were doing an improv scene and I guess I just broke down,"

"Was it about what your father said last week?" I asked. Clemmie nodded and began to cry again, "Hey it's okay, it's okay. You're safe now,"

"It's... just t-that people don't understand, what I-I've g-gone through. Katie doesn't understand a-and I just don't know w-what to do,"

"Well you could start by explaining to Katie about what happened before the orphanage, she and Colin are your parents-" but before I could finish my sentence Clemmie said

"She won't understand... She'll think it's all my fault I'm messed up a-and... and-"

"Hey, you are not messed up okay!? You are brave and strong, and by far the most wonderful person I know. Now if you don't want to tell Katie or Colin, how about I tell them?" Clemmie nodded.

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