Chapter 23

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A/N: I don't know how school timetables work in Canada, so I'm just going off of mine.

It was my first day of school in another country, yay! To say I was nervous was an understatement, I felt like I was going to throw up. I never had many friends back in England and I've never been great with the topic of school as a whole.

I was attending Lord Byng Secondary School, and I knew absolutely nobody. Great! It also didn't help that there was a mistake in my paperwork, meaning I had to start two weeks later. The journey to school was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Dad drove me as Mum had to go and do an interview somewhere. As I got out of the car and started walking to the doors I felt numerous pairs of eyes on me. As I sat outside the headmaster's office I started to think about what I could be doing if I wasn't here, I could be doing an interview or hanging out with Chyler or Mel. But, Mum wanted me to socialise with people my own age. In my opinion, most people my age are idiots and act like children. Just then the door opened. "Clemence Morgan, Mr Jenkins will see you now," A woman said.

I slowly got up and walked cautiously into the room where a man sat a great wooden desk and a woman opposite him. I knocked on the door frame. "You must be Clemence," he said getting up from his seat and walking over to me he held out his hand, for me to shake, I nervously took the hand.

"Yes, sir,"

"Please, take a seat," he said gesturing to the empty chair before perching on the edge of his desk. I slowly sat down. "So, Clemence, your parents tell me that you will not be here for some days during the school year," I nodded at his statement. "Care to elaborate?" he asked.

"Well, you see sir, I have a job guest-starring in a CW show, so I will be filming that mostly," I replied.

"I see, and they didn't think to look into an on-set teacher?"

"They did, just... somethings came up and it was advised that I should be with children my own age," I explained

"This is your timetable and locker combination," he said handing me some sheets of paper.

"I'm sorry to be a nuisance, sir, but this is my first school since I moved from England, I'm not entirely sure what all of this means," I said gesturing to the pieces of paper in my hand.

"It's quite alright, there are nine periods each day. Four in the morning then there's a twenty-minute recess. There are two periods in-between recess and lunch. After lunch, there are another three periods. Then from four till five after school clubs will run. Each period is 35 minutes long," he explained, wow that was a lot to take in.

We headed to my first class, I looked at my schedule and my first class was drama, well at least it was a subject I'm good at. Mr Jenkins knocked on the door, as we entered I looked to the ground to avoid everyone's stares, "Class this is Clemence Morgan, she's new so give her some slack," Mr Jenkins said.

"Nice to meet you, Clemence, please come and join us," the teacher said, "I'm Miss Bennet," she said as I pulled up a chair, I could already hear some people begin to whisper, "Have you had any experience with the performing arts before?" she questioned.

I nodded, "A little," I replied.

"Could you tell us," she urged.

"Umm... I attended a performing arts school in London and when I moved here I landed the role of a character on a tv show," I said, trying to keep my answer as vague as possible. For the rest of the lesson, we split into groups and read through some scripts and performed them to the rest of the class. I became friends with a girl called Alex, she seemed nice, but I was still cautious stupid anxiety.

After the lesson finished Alex came up to me, "Hey, if you wanted to you could hang out with me and my friends," she said.

"Are you sure, I don't want to be invasive," I replied.

"Yeah, I'm sure, they'll love you," she said excitedly.


At recess Evie and I headed towards the cafeteria, where we were joined by three other girls, "Clemmie, this is Tash, Sophie and Cara," Alex said introducing them.

"So you're the new kid, huh?" the girl called Tash said.

"I guess," I said looking at the table, we were sitting at.

"Stop it Tash, you're freaking her out," a voice said next to me.

"No, I'm not Cara," Tash argued.

"Yes, you are," Cara defended.

"Both of you, quit it. You've gotta excuse them," Alex apologised, glaring at the other two who were now smiling, I chuckled slightly.

"It's fine, honest. I'm kind of used to it," I said.

"You're not from around her. Are you?" Sophie asked.

"No, I moved here from England, just over a year ago," I answered.

"Oh my god it's the freak alien from Supergirl," A blonde-haired girl said to her group of friends, I kind of guessed that she was the mean girl at school and this was her clique of wannabes.

"Quit it Olivia," Cara said throuhg gritted teeth.

"Oh look Cara's got herself a new crush!" Olivia said, I looked at Cara who was now blushing, it somehow made my stomach do a flip, I was ripped out of my thoughts when the blonde started speaking again. "Oh, where are my manners? I'm Olivia Peterson. If you want you could come and join me for lunch rather than sit with the rejects here," she said glaring at the others.

"I think I can make those decisions for myself, thanks," I replied, snarkily, I looked back at Cara who was smiling.

"Where are you from? You're clearly not from here," Olivia said.

"No, I'm from England. I moved here with Colin and Katie," I answered.

"You call your parents by their names?"

"Yeah... I like to change it up sometimes," I explained.

"Aren't you adopted?" She asked, I once again went back to staring at the table, I felt someone place their hand on my leg, it was Cara. I didn't feel like moving it as it was kind of reassuring.

"Yeah, so what if she is?" Cara questioned, not taking her eyes off of Olivia.

Olivia scoffed, "I'm done wasting my time on trash," she said into my ear.

After she left I looked at the others, "Well, she's a delight," I said, Sophie, and Tash chuckled.

"Yeah, she thinks she's better than everyone else because her dad owns some big company," Sophie explained.

" She also likes making fun of us especially, so if you don't want to hang out with us, we totally understand," Tash said.

"Why would I do that?" I asked, "You guys were the first people to talk to me.

"What do you have next?" Cara questioned, I could walk you to class if you wanted,"

I took out my schedule, "I have English, great..." I said, I was always weak when reading long passages and annotating them, you may think 'oh she's an actress she can learn lines she can read long passages of text' you couldn't be more wrong, all the words merge together and form patterns and all I end up seeing id the space and black blurs.

"Who do you have?" Tash questioned.

"Uh... Mr O'Conner," I replied, they all looked at one another, "What?" I questioned. Tash looked at Cara, who scratched the back of her neck.

"Well, that's Olivia's class. And none of us have it," she said.

"Great," I exclaimed.

"Mr O'Conner is a really nice teacher though," Alex said trying to lighten the mood. Great the next class I have alone with the schools mean girl.

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