chapter 39

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A/N: Blue:

"Blue what are you doing here?" I asked, running over and embracing her

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"Blue what are you doing here?" I asked, running over and embracing her.

"You haven't told her?" Dad asked Mum.

"I was getting to it," Mum replied, giving Dad a playful glare.

"Tell me what?" I asked looking between the three of them.

"I've been adopted," Blue blurted. I turned around, to face her, squealing and jumping up and down like a little kid. "By Colin and Katie," She finished, causing me to stop dead in my tracks.

"Seriously?" I asked, not wanting to get my hopes up. This had to be some kind of sick joke.

Katie nodded her head, "Yes, we're serious. They just arrived from the airport," She stated, indicating to the small pile of luggage by the door. 

I started screaming and jumping up and down again. "Clem, calm down. Why don't you go and help Blue settle in,"

"I instantly grabbed Blue's wrist and pulled her into one of the spare rooms, not wanting to get lectured about my parents' evening anymore.


Blue and I were talking when we heard Mum greet someone at the door.

"Clem, Cara's here!" She called through causing a huge smile to plaster my face. Blue gave me a quizzical look as I quickly got up and ran to the hallway, and leapt into my girlfriend's arms.

"Hi," I whispered, nuzzling my face into the crook of her neck.

"Hi," she greeted back. Cara stood there, with me wrapped around her waist for a while, before we heard someone clearing their throat. This caused me to slowly get down from my girlfriend's arms. 

As I landed, Cara instinctively placed her arm around my waist and pulled me into her side, protectively. I felt heat rise in my cheeks and I stared at the ground deperately trying to hide it.

"Care to tell me who this is?" I turned to see blue standing in a doorway, arms crossed.

"Um..." I gulped. "This is Cara my- my girlfriend. Cara this is-"

"Skye," Blue interrupted, I frowned at my sister.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Skye. I hope I'll be seeing you at school?" Cara asked. Blue stayed silent staring at Cara. I felt Cara give my side a light squeeze, indicating to me that she was intimidated. I responded by giving her side a light squeeze telling her that she's okay.

"I'm messing with you. My name's Blue. And yeah, I'll hope to be seeing you at school." She said as she turned around, heading back to her room, "Oh and one more thing. Don't break my sister's heart, or you're dead."

Cara gulped, "She's... interesting," 

"She's a teddy bear, honest," I said pecking her cheek and heading over to the kitchen to grab us both a bottle of water. We took a seat at one of the barstools.

"You never told me you had a sister," My girlfriend stated, taking a sip of her drink.

"I only found out an hour ago," I replied. "I've known Blue pretty much my entire life. She's fine. But it's kinda funny that you're scared of her."

"Oh shut up,"

"How did your Parents' evening go?"

"Yeah, alright. Dad couldn't make it again," 

"I'm sorry," 

"It doesn't matter. Why don't we watch a movie?"

"Can we watch School of Rock?" I begged

Cara chuckled, "Sure," I repeatedly gave her kisses all over her face. "Why don't you go invite Blue to come and watch with us, while I set up the movie?"

"Okay," I replied, going into Blue's room.


We were halfway through the movie, I was lying on Cara's lap, while Blue had a bowl of popcorn, and that was when I realised that I finally had everything I ever wanted. A family, a sister, a group of friends and the best girlfriend I could ever ask for. I'm finally home.

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