Chapter Three ~ Big Brother

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thanks to thekiaram for the super cute cover made above!!

What country are you reading from? I'm trying to make sure the updates (Tuesdays and Fridays) are at a reasonable time. For me in Aus this actually means around 7am the day after, but should I make them sooner?

Thank you for all the love ♡ Ann

Thank you for all the love ♡ Ann

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I swallowed hard.

"Late again, I see," Professor Malcolm said, scowling at the group of four who had interrupted his spiel. "Quickly, take a seat."

They were usually alone in the back, free to watch over the students—the commoners. But not today. I waited with a stiff spine as they piled into the row in front of me, each of their faces laced with disapproval.

I didn't release my breath until the lecturer began speaking again. I'd done it—found the perfect position for spying.

I'm here behind them in class, I texted Penelope, needing somewhere to release the tension building. I couldn't believe I was really doing this for someone. It felt like elementary school all over again, spying on the boys from the jungle gym.

What are they doing?

The group was talking in quiet murmurs, just under my ability of hearing.

Poppy's whispering in Cole's ear.


And Felix keeps side-eyeing me.

You can't make this too obvious, Josie! If anyone is onto me it will be Felix. Be careful.

I locked my phone and bit my lip, trying to avoid Felix Bradford's glance. Every so often he'd turn to look at me curiously. Like he already knew.

It turned out that there wasn't exactly secrets to divulge in freshman accounting. They browsed social media and refreshed emails, but their laptop screens revealed nothing scandalous.

Nothing to report, I concluded to Penelope as class ended.

You need to go to that party.

I was collecting my things to pile back into my bag when I sensed someone approach.

"You're sitting in my seat," they said, amused.

"I didn't realize we conformed to assigned seating in college," I said dryly, my automated sarcasm complex triggered by the challenging sparkle in Felix's dark eyes. I'd dealt with boys like him before.

"You usually sit down the side, in the middle row."

I froze. "That's creepy."

"I'm just an observant person," he said slyly. Then he held out a hand. "Felix Bradford."

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