Chapter Four ~ All Black

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Thanks so much to Serania (ladymacbethian) for the aesthetic above! Love how you've captured Josie ♡

If you ever want to send me graphics my email is in my bio! I really appreciate all of your support with the story so far 🥰 -Ann

If you ever want to send me graphics my email is in my bio! I really appreciate all of your support with the story so far 🥰 -Ann

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By the time I reached the party, it was already well underway. I was starting to feel nervous, especially considering I knew barely anyone at college, let alone anyone cool enough to go to parties like this. I'd heard the stories. I knew what happened at these things.

I held my breath and drifted inside, nobody seeming to notice me as I coasted through the tightly-packed college kids, trying to find any source of alcohol. Initially, I wanted to be sober, but in practice doing so wasn't going to be as effective as I'd thought. Alcohol would soften the awkward discomfort that was starting to stir me.

I almost sighed with relief when I found a row of vodka bottles lining the counter—seriously, were vodka brands allowed to sponsor frat parties? In the absence of cups I brought the bottle to my lips and swallowed.

God, it tasted like years of my teenage self's bad decisions.

I sent Penelope a text to tell her I'd arrived before retreating to the edge of the room, slowly walking around the house to scout the area. It was exactly as I'd imagined from the Facebook pictures of the fraternity's last parties. Crowded and dirty and, as I was learning, only tolerable intoxicated. By the looks of the party-goers, after a few drinks, the party turned from dingy to incredible.

The girls were made-up, the white practically glowing on their bodies, and most of the boys had seemed to mistake white party for a toga party, with some either shirtless or wearing their shirts draped over their shoulders. It was like a testosterone-filled cloud was soaking the room, clinging to the swaying bodies and dragging them together.

And then I caught my first glimpse of Penelope's circle. The movement of bouncy spirals of auburn hair and a sparkling smile. Poppy had her arms full of beverages, running from Jada and causing liquid to spill over her white blouse.

   I couldn't hear anything they were saying, but I tentatively followed from afar as they headed up the staircase. It was easy to blend in with all the people surrounding me. It was hard to picture Penelope here, though. Something about her poise and grace and the gentle décor of her apartment made it hard for me to imagine a frat party to be her thing.

I dodged a couple making out in the corner and hesitated beside the doorway, catching sight of Cole. Perfect. Now I had a reference point, I could start to actually do something to earn the exorbitant amount of money Penelope was paying me.

There were several people sprawled over the bed, some on pillows on the floor as they passed around a joint. Poppy was dolling out drinks. I stepped away before my presence would become obvious.

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