part 6

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Evean reached to the penthouse he park the car take Zena out of the car while she resist ....Evean took her on his shoulder and spank her say Behave !!!

He led her to his room lay her down on the bed ....she was getting unconscious....he change her clothes and put his t shirts and boxers to her..
She fall sleep while he notice she is having temperature ....he get out of the room to take medicine .....He saw some important papers and start reading it ...and forget about zena .....
Evean fall sleep on sofa while talking to his friends ....

Evean wake up when the sunlight hits his eyes ...he got up nd walk towards his room realized Zena was here he Remember she was having temperature last night ...he sat on the bed and check her temperature she was buring in fever ....

He immediately put cold water strip on her forhead ...her fever get low and she opened her eyes she observed the room where she is ....she quickly stand from.the bed and taking a way out ....Evean hold her arm...
Evean pov
I grab her arm asking where??
She replied i want to go home ....and she became quite and resist her self
...i strongly hold her and took her on my back and said no baby girl you r sick and  you aren't going anywhere right now....
She yelled !!!! Leave me i said ....
I LAY her down on the bed and bring and shouted stay here or I'll rip you off she get afraid and sit still while i bring thermometer  .I ask her to open her mouth she refused ....
You are going to regert this
I immediately turn her over on stomach on my lap and pull her shorts. Down the knees she tried to get away ....i tried hold her still and spank her lightly ...NO BABYS GIRL U CHOOSE IT I'LL SPANK U MORE IF U RESIST LET ME TAKE YOUR TEMPERATURE....

I LUBE THE THERMOMETER .... with lotion and put it inside her rectal she cry I pated her saying relax its okay just relax.....
After few i took out the themometer her fever was light at 98 I took her out  to lounge and make her some breakfast ....oatmeal ...she was hungry she ate half .... Called my doctor for her condition doctor  he prescribed me somes meds and shots i Dont  want to get her to hospital cause i don't want any  media news about her
I calles my maid to brought the prescribed meds and shots ..
Maid brought medicine  as i told and nurse  was there in half hour ....
nurse say her to stay still while she fill injection ....Zena suddenly get out of the sofa shouting no Iam. Not going to get this .....I replied its necessary ....

Zena ... I don't trust you
Evean .dont do that behave
.be a good girl come
here are sick you need this...

Zena .... refuse ..

I go and grab her while she was hitting her legs like a kid ....i took her to the sofa and lay her on her stomach ....
She was crying like kid  No don't and moving her body ....
Nurse told me to hold her tight while I place her on my lap ...Shsh shsh its just a shot ...its okay relax nurse gives her one she cried while the other one she said me to give it after dinner ....

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