Alcoholic Pt. 3

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Warnings: Definite Alcohol Use

Logan was very drunk, to say the least. He's known as the 'emotional' drunk. Not an angry or weird one. Just emotional. Very emotional...

"I just don' get it..." Logan's speech was slurred. "How can I let this happen...?"

Spirit was worried about him. She watched as Logan cried and went on and on about how Patton found out his secret.


Patton made dinner for everyone. Well, everyone including himself, Virgil, Roman, and Logan. But Logan wasn't there.

"Has anyone seen Logan?" Patton asked. Roman and Virgil shook their heads along with Deceit, who was drinking his 'Not Venom'. "Hm..."

"Maybe he's still in his room." Deceit said. He had venom streaming down his fangs.

"Yeah... Deceit, don't get your 'Not Venom' on the floor. It's very hard to get out." Patton said.

Deceit rolled his eyes and continued drinking his 'Not Venom'.

After dinner, Patton reheated Logan's plate and took it to his room. He knocked on the door.

No answer.

He knocked again and still no answer. He sighed and opened the door. He saw Logan asleep on his bed with several bottles of alcohol next to the bed.

"Oh, Logan..." Patton sighed again. He set his plate down on the end table. He looked at Logan and noticed his face was shiny. "Has he been crying?"

Patton reached out and touched his face. It was wet.

"Who knew he was an emotional drunk?" Patton asked himself. Then he heard something. He looked over and saw that Spirit was looking at him. "Are you worried about Logan?"

Spirit looked down and nodded.

"I am too..."

Then Logan stirred. Patton removed his hand from his face. Logan's eyes slowly opened.

"Ugh... P-Patton?" He slurred. "W-what are you-?"

"Shhh... I only came here to bring you food. But now I can comfort you if you'd like." Patton said and brought his hand up to Logan's face again.

Logan smiled. "I would love that... I'm just crying over someone."

"Do I know that someone?" Patton asked.

"I'm talking about you, Patton..." Logan muttered.

"Oh... w-why?"

"Because I love you and it broke my heart to see you leave me alone in this mess," Logan said.

"Logan... are you still drunk?"


Patton smiled. "Okay, I can comfort you then."

He sat down on Logan's bed and grabbed the plate. He set it down on his lap. Logan slowly sat up.

"Ugh... I feel horrible." Logan groaned.

"That's what happens when you drink alcohol," Patton said.

"Yeah, yeah..."

Patton fed Logan his food as they quietly talked.

"Why... do you love me, Logan?" Patton asked.

"Because you're you. I love you for everything you do. You make me... have feelings."

"Is that a good thing?"

Logan silently smiled and looked at Patton.

"A very good thing..." Logan muttered.

"Well, I like you too... I'm gonna help you with the problems you have, okay?"

Logan nodded. Patton smiled and gently kissed his cheek.

"I love you, Lo..."

"I love you too..."

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