Midnight Question

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Logan and Patton were in bed. Logan was just about to go to sleep, but Patton spoke up.

"Logie? Are trees living things?" Patton asked.

"Yes, dear." Logan sighed.

"Wait, if they're living things... do they feel pain?"

"It's midnight, go to sleep." Logan turned his back to Patton.

"But do they feel pain?" Patton asked. Logan sighed again.

"I don't know, just go to sleep, love." Logan turned towards Patton and pulled him close.


There was silence for a few minutes and Logan thought Patton was asleep.

"It must hurt if they feel pain," Patton said.

"Shush... go to sleep," Logan whispered and closed his eyes. "We can talk about that in the morning."

"Okay, Logie..."

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