Charlie x Male!Human!Reader (Fell into Hell)

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Author's Note: This is a list of oneshots, probably multiple parters that'll pop up here and there! Fair warning, these are going to be a little long. This was requested by @Mr-War
Enjoy! (Artwork doesn't belong to me)

He dusted off the old book, it's binding worn with faded lettering barely there enough to distinguish. 'Liber ex mortuis'; roughly translating from Latin to 'Book of the Dead'. Being able to discern this made Y/n feel a little better for all those ridiculous Latin classes his mother made him take back in Highschool. Turning the old book in his hands, Y/n laughed a little. It was a funny prank, wasn't it? With all the tattered leather binding and the shape of a twisted skull carved into the front, this thing looked too much like something out of a movie to be real.

Opening the book revealed a treasure trove of the dead language, and what appeared to be rituals of some kind. But, being intrigued and a little amused, he added the old book to his list and went about to the front. The librarian, an old withered man with gold rimmed glasses, gave him a look as he placed the stack of books on the check out desk.

"Sonny, I wouldn't recommend this book." He held the Latin one up for emphasis.

Y/n was usually respectful of his elders, and just took this as part of the joke. Maybe the staff were in on it? "But it was on the shelf over there..."

"I know. This is a newer library and the regulations state we can't legally take it from the shelves without being charged a fine for stealing from the company. But I promise, this thing isn't a good idea." The old man jabbed at the book like it was nothing but trouble.

Perhaps he was simply superstitious, Y/n thought to himself, and insisted. "Thanks for the warning, I guess? I'd still like the book."

The man sighed, but checked it through and placed it into the bag with the rest, whereupon Y/n payed and left. He frowned a bit, looking back, but shrugged and continued on to his car. He never did understand how people got worked up over the supposedly supernatural. Y/n almost wished that he could believe in such ludicrous fantasies. It would make his mundane life a whole lot more interesting.

He pulled into his driveway just as it was beginning to rain, grabbing his new items from the trunk and fumbling with the key to get inside. It was a quaint little house; nothing too extravagant but definitely nice considering he was the only person living in it. He threw his stuff down on the couch and proceeded to make lunch... but his thoughts continuously drifted back to the book. It looked cool, and he briefly considered showing his friend tomorrow at work. Then again, bringing that old thing in would probably get him funny looks from his manager. She was already a bit of a pain.

After eating, Y/n indulged himself in (favorite show) for a few hours. And he would've liked to continue doing so... but a crack of thunder sounding painfully close decided otherwise. There was an electric whirr and whiz as the power suddenly cut off.

"Wha- oh, come on!" He complained, being left very suddenly in the dark. Sighing heavily, he picked himself up and began blindly trekking through the house, waving his arms in front of him to avoid running into anything. The several scrapes and surprised exclamations proved this attempt unsuccessful.

Y/n's mother had provided him with some of those vintage red candles for Christmas; not something he really cared to have but not wanting to seem ungrateful, he took them and stashed them away in the bottom section of his bathroom cubby. How thankful he was now for her random gift.

Finally finding them, he took the lighter from his pocket and began lighting them, placing them throughout the living room until it looked like an eerie horror setting. Though, it was beautiful in a way. Each subtle orange glow flickered across the ole walls, and flames danced with each slight change of wind. He plopped down, pouting at the TV as he contemplated what to do in the meantime. Maybe he relied too much on the convenience of technology sometimes.

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