//the bet

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Lip's POV

Wednesday morning rolled around the corner. The first two days of the school year had officially passed in this lame school and already I just wanted to be done with it. Everyone be talking about prom and it's not even the middle of the year yet. Karen broke my heart and I just wanted to forget about her, and my friends were just mainly in it for the sports and more girls to get down with.

Speaking of my friends, I met up with Camden and Reese at lunch like usual. We started to discuss football practice and video games. Although I wasn't much of a gamer, Reese and Camden were. Reese was obsessed. He was a complete nerd, but still one of my best friends. Camden on the other hand, I had known him since second grade. We continued to talk about new games that were released. I started zoning out due to boredom, but what Camden brought up, sparked my attention.

"Hey, did you guys hear about that new girl? She's smoking hot." He smirked at me.

"Mia Redmond? Yeah she's great from what I've seen." I said trying to sound like I haven't talked to her yet.

"I may try getting a little something from her tomorrow. I'm thinking of asking her if she wants to hang out. Then I expose my rock hard abs to her and maybe it'll lead to a good time." Camden winked.

Reese chimed in. "You guys, we should all try getting with her. Let's make a bet. Whoever gets in her pants first gets to date her." Part of me didn't want to agree. But then I figured, maybe sex is what I could use. I had planned to tell Karen how I felt. But she broke me.

"Deal!" We all shook hands at once.


I was walking in the hall when I came across Mia at her locker. Maybe this was the perfect time to ask her. Just when I was about to, Camden went up to her. Fuck, I was too late. I walked away before they would notice me.

Mia's POV

"Hey sexy, wanna hang out?" A familiar voice said behind my locker door. I stuffed something else into it and looked over. It was Camden.

"Camden, hey." He waited for me to say yes or no. I heard his question, but I didn't want to hang out with him. I had a feeling of what he wanted. Desired to walk away, I thought up a lie.

"So, what do you say?" He tried again.

"Yeah I'm not feeling too good. My stomach's been acting upset all day, and I have the runs. It's like...explosive!" I almost bursted out laughing. His face was priceless as fuck.

"Sorry, maybe next time." With widened eyes, he quickly ran off to meet up with another guy. Supposedly his friend. Although I turned around, this other guy bumped into me. He was tall, with brown hair and a beanie.

"So sorry gorgeous. Hey you're that new girl everyone's been talking about. Mia right? I'm Reese. Reese Hummel."

"Hi Reese."

"My pal Lip was talking about you. Girl you down to chill?"

"Umm fuck boy much?"

"I was actually just leaving. Maybe sometime." "Not!"

I felt kind of bad that I lied to him and Camden, but this was the second guy now that tried asking me out. I doubt he wanted something real either. Plus I did not have much attraction towards Reese. These are guys I barely know. I walked to my last class of the day. Physics. Good thing this first day of school was just about over. I finished up in the class and left for the bus.

I walked on as "Colossal Bitch Girl" stared at me evilly. She was sitting in "her seat". She doesn't fucking own it. I wanted to go off on her so bad, but kept walking till I found another seat to sit at. This day wasn't so bad. I met a cute guy even though on the bad side, he was taken. I met a new friend. Nerdy but outgoing. I think her and Emily would get along tremendously. They're both outgoing and hyperactively talkative.

Arriving home, I flopped down onto my bed. What a day. Lip came into my mind. He was so handsome and not like any other guy I've seen. Why must I be getting this feeling. I hardly know him. I want him so bad to be mine, but barely knowing him, noticing he had a girlfriend, things are so fucked up right now.

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