//forget it

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⚠️Proceed with caution!!⚠️

Karen's POV

I sat alone on my bed when I remembered I had something. I went over to my bookshelf and pulled out the scrapbook. I never took the time actually look through it. God, Lip really did do a good job even though it was a bit fucked up from when he threw it against the wall. There on the first page was the first picture we ever took. From  a local McDonald's. The second was from when we went to that small cafe and I got a smoothie. I was shown sipping it and smiling into the camera. That smoothie went straight through me and before I knew it, I was running to the bathroom every five minutes. During that night, Lip held me, comforting me. I felt that sensation in my chest. Tears started dripping down my cheeks.

I turned the page. Before my eyes was a picture of our hands intertwined. I didn't deserve him. Maybe dating him wouldn't be so bad. All this time that we were friends with benefits, it never occurred to me that we could possibly be an item. I had to find him. Shutting the book, I made my way to the door. Right when I was about to exit my room, my mom stopped me.

"Karen, sweetie, it's time to start heading for Florida! Finish packing!" She said with her regular, cheerful smile.

All I wanted was to tell Lip how I felt. To feel his lips on mine while I slightly would open my mouth to let his warm, wet tongue to collide with mine. To tell him I was willing to give it a try.

"Mom, I have to go find Lip."

"I just made snickerdoodle cupcakes!"

"Mom, I really need to do this. Besides, didn't you pack everything?"

"I'm just about to finish. But I made your favorite snack!"

"I'll be back."

"Okay. Good luck! Be back soon!"

I ran outside yanking the door shut behind me before she could even finish that sentence. But it was obvious what she was saying. I could only hope I could make things right with Lip. There was a chill in the air on my way to his house. I just kept walking without a care. In a way, it felt nice.


I finally made it there to the two story house with the outer ground pool. I eagerly knocked on the door, continuing until someone answered. A few seconds later, Ian answered. His eyes were half shut, bedhead was present. I must've woke him up.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" He said groggily.

"Where's Lip? Please let me in I need to talk to him."

"He's not home." Ian said about to shut the door.

I pushed it in against his grip.

"This is really important, can I just sit in here and wait it out?"

"Be my guest." He said while shutting the door behind me. He trudged back upstairs. A second later, I heard the bedroom door shut.

A few minutes went by. Only thing that could be heard was the snoring upstairs. I waited a half hour almost falling asleep on the couch when I snapped my eyes open as I heard the sound of the door open. There he was. His hair looked messier than usual. I must've startled him because as he turned on the light he flinched until he recognized it was me standing there.

"The fuck you doing here?" He said with his voice raised. He reeked  of alcohol.

"Lip I came here to talk. I know I've caused a lot of trouble, but when I looked through the scrapbook, it made me think back to all that fun we had. I wanna give it a try. I'm leaving tonight."

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