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Mia's POV

Of course he had plenty of popcorn. After all, who doesn't enjoy the buttery crunchy texture and scarfing it down. Lip wrapped his arms around my body, giving me a warm feeling inside and making a smile burst across my face. I wanted to ask him if he wanted to finish talking, but before I could talk, Debbie's voice sounded from downstairs.

"Dinner's ready!"

"She never cooks dinner so this is really surprising because usually Fiona does the cooking." Lip said and kissed my forehead.

"Why do you think she's doing it?"

"No idea, I'm usually doing my own thing anyway."

"You cook?"


"I love cooking."

"I know."

"It's my dream to become a chef or a baker."

"Baking isn't super bad. Debbie used to bake pies all the time when she was younger."

"Does she still?"

"She kind of grew out of it but hey I guess we all eventually grow out of something."

"Boy is that the truth."

"We should go downstairs and eat." Lip said.

I followed him with pleasure because after a long day like this, I was famished. My palms grew sweaty as I walked down with Lip since this was going to be the first time I had dinner with his family that I just met. The table was set with bowls and a giant bowl in the middle displayed the spaghetti and meatballs. Lip pulled a chair out for me and gestured me to sit, then pushed me inward and sat next to me. He must've noticed I was sweaty because he suddenly asked,

"You feeling okay?"

Was I really that sweaty? I checked my forehead and it was drenched with sweat. Jesus I couldn't be this sweaty already.

"Yeah I'm just really hot."

"Oh we could do something about that. Smells good Debs."

"Don't touch the thermostat unless you want Fiona to flip. You know how she is about that!" Debbie snapped as she passed Carl's bowl back to him.

"Well Mia is hot. I'll just explain that I didn't want her sweating out all over when Fiona gets back."

"Yeah she is." Carl smirked.

"Shut up Carl!"

"Just sit down and eat. I didn't make this for you guys to argue."

"I'll be right back." Lip dodged her comment and went over to the thermostat anyway.

"Your funeral." Debbie said rolling her eyes.

She flipped her hair and sat down to start eating. I stared down at the spaghetti inhabiting my bowl and looked up to see Debbie staring me down. Not like in a bad way but it looked like she was almost checking me out. Was she? Lip sat back down and started twisting some saucy noodles on his fork. I watched him bring it to his mouth and in that moment, I wasn't hungry for food anymore. Instead, I was hungry for him. Sexually. But in the middle of those sexual fantasies forming inside my head, guilt suddenly came pouring in. I couldn't bear to have him get in trouble just for my sweat. So I confessed the truth.

"I'm just actually nervous cuz this is the first time I met your whole family and now I'm eating dinner with you guys."

"Don't be nervous, it's okay. I mean yeah my family is very dysfunctional I won't lie but I also won't let you stay nervous."

✨bad intentions~lip gallagher✨Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя