//second run in

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Lip's POV

I sat beside Carl while he ate his pancakes in bed. Hospital pancakes, shittiest pancakes in the Southside. He seemed to enjoy them though. Every time he stuffed a bite into his mouth, a smile spread across his face. I bought him a glazed donut from Dunkin Donuts to cheer him up, Carl insisted to save it for later. He was happy with the processed pancakes. I guess that was all that mattered. Out of nowhere I started getting wicked dings coming from my phone.

Mandy: ❤️
Mandy: Where the fuck are you?

I fucked her once recently and she still has this idea in her little head that we're an item. I didn't want to be with her, but I also didn't wanna upset her too much or she could possibly go bat shit crazy on me. I knew she wasn't gonna stop texting unless I sent her a reply.

Me: At the hospital. Carl broke his leg and fell down the stairs.

Mandy: Let me know when you're home. Maybe we can have a little fun before Fiona comes home.

I started getting hungry for a sandwich while I sat beside Carl thinking of how to respond to that text. Maybe I'd run across the street to a restaurant.

This was very unusual because in all honesty, a guy like me would usually be down for a good fuck. I couldn't get enough of sex till I was satisfied. Mandy wasn't a tool, she was decent but, she just wasn't someone I had romantic feelings for. As I was trying to figure out what to say, I realized I've only been able to express sexual attraction towards her. All we did was fuck when we saw each other. I just wasn't feeling her lately. I wasn't feeling anyone except one person. Mia.

Mia's POV

I made my way to one of the women's bathrooms down the hall to my right. Switching on the light, I bumped into someone. I shrieked at a face I never wanted to do that in front of. Lip was directly in front of me now. Our faces were so close together only away by a couple inches.

"No, keep em' off."

He trailed his finger down the middle of my chest, past my boobs, and down to my sweet area. Lightly rubbing it, he switched the light off and brought his lips to mine. Caught up in the moment, he jammed his finger into me out of nowhere. Accompanied by another. His movements made me quiver in sporadic pleasure. I grabbed his wrist while he was reaching in the spot where I shivered in excitement. He paused.

"Are we really going to do this in a hospital bathroom?" I asked him.

"Why not?"

Lip continued to kiss me when the door opened.

"We're back." My mom peered through the door.


I jolted up and opened my eyes. I examined where I was and realized I fell asleep on the couch in the hospital room. Drew, my mom, and a male doctor looking to be in his late twenties were present in the doorway. Wheeling her in while she was inhabiting the bed, they sat her back in the original spot where the bed was. At least she was awake. She looked pretty good for a woman that just came out of surgery.

"Mom, you're okay!"

I ran over to hug her.

"Easy, I got butchered just a little while ago!"

"You're okay!"

"Of course I'm okay, why wouldn't I be okay?"

"The way you were talking yesterday. You acted like you were gonna die by what you said to me."

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