//bad idea

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Lip's POV

Fiona led us to a table near the window and Mia took a seat across from me. An elderly couple laughed about something behind her. We started chatting while I was looking at the menu. Mia was staring at the table for some reason. Before I could ask her if she was okay, she basically answered my question without me even asking it.

"God, does anyone ever clean this place? The owner must be a total slob." She started opening her menu and brushed her wavy, brown hair back.

I could feel rage building up. Before I could maintain composure, the words just came out right there.

"The owner happens to be my sister!" I snapped rolling my eyes in advance.

Mia's brown eyes met up with my blue ones. She closed her menu quickly.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I didn't think-"

I interrupted her, for I wasn't about to listen to whatever apology she had. Fiona was the neatest, hardest working person I knew. Recently she'd been through a lot. She always managed to pull through everything. We'd all be lost without her.

"Yeah look um, it's fine. I know you had a perfectly good life back in North Carolina so I mean, it's fine." I said to Mia.

I was about to get up and leave, but she ended up saying she was gonna go to the bathroom. Oh no, now I felt like I had to stay. I can't just walk out on a girl when she goes to the bathroom. That's like walking out on a girl you found out you knocked up. Like what Sean did. Knocked Fiona up, and didn't even bother staying the owner of this place. Sean was a drug addict and started seeing another woman, leaving Fiona to take care of this restaurant herself. She later became the owner. None of us knew for the longest time that she was pregnant. I'm just glad she pushed through this much.

Mia got up and left so quickly, it made Fiona come over to the table. She took a seat directly across from me.

"What's up?" She asked eagerly.

"Nothing, why?"

"Lip, I saw how fast Mia went into the restroom. What happened?"

"Oh so suddenly it's my fault?"

"No I'm not saying that, it's just I saw what happened."

"She was looking around here and apparently thought it was dirty cuz she made a comment saying whoever owns this place must be a slob. So I commented something back and told her the owner happens to be you and she got up and left."

Fiona looked around and then back at me, then back at the tables, walls, floors, then back at me once again.

"God I guess this place is in good use of cleaning. I should tidy it up."

"No Fiona, it looks fine."

"Lip, it's not like she knew that I was the owner of the restaurant. You should talk to her and apologize if you came off harshly. She's a girl, I assure you she's gonna want an apology. That's how you win her back."

I scratched my head. "I suppose. I guess your right. I did snap a bit at her."

"I have to get back the back room. There's some things I need to do on the computer and since it's the end of the month, I gotta figure out bills."

✨bad intentions~lip gallagher✨Where stories live. Discover now