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For the past two days, I've been a nervous wreck, flitting about the house like an overbearing mama, throwing myself into work and training even more so. Ray found it amusing yet endearing at the same time. "It's great seeing you like this first hand," he said during dinner last night. Every moment we have been spending together counts as a 'getting to know each other' time in which we cherished.  What we had, was more than the circumstances that brought us together and the sexual attraction. I found myself giving up control to this man, and he was the same. We trusted each other fiercely and was loyal to a fault. I saw no other and I knew he was the same. His jealousy streak made a show when we dined at a restaurant across town for our lunch date. An old college friend was working at the restaurant and greeted me boldly. I expected it because he was a very exuberant guy, always the life of the party.

Ray didn't like it one bit and roughly pulled me away from him instantly. It took hours to calm him down but he apologized for his behavior before we fell asleep that night.

Never go to bed angry. A quote we both now live by.

"Kitten, can you stop pacing?" Raizon called out. We were presently at the airport awaiting my brother's flight to land. Michael accompanied us along with Gio, Trevor, and Jerome. Other guards were mixed in with the crowds giving us extra security.  Kory and I have been chatting nonstop since that night Ray gave me my surprise.  Glancing at Raizon now, I couldn't stop the smile on my face.

He makes me so happy. 

"I can't Ray. He's finally here. We can be a family now, after years of being apart," I pressed. He tucked his arms in the pockets of his brown leather jacket and gave me a gentle smile. I confided in him, my daily life as a teenager with only Kane and Kory as my role models. They both did their best of raising a broken teenage girl. They offered me love and security in which I longed for after my parents' death. Everyone knew who I was back in the neighborhood and knew not to offend me in any way. Kory's boss even took a liking to me and made his house a safe haven for me whenever my brothers were out of town. I was protected and trained to protect myself. Kane confessed to me before I came to Boston, he wished I had a normal upbringing and not the life they grew up in. He apologized and told me how much he loved me as his only sister. That was the last time we saw each other and spoke so deeply. 

"That's understandable, my love," he returned gesturing for me to come towards him. The smile was still on my face as I rushed into his now open arms. His fingers found their way in my loose curls before he gently took my lips into a slowly heated kiss. The scent of his cologne and the feeling his touch illicit on my body made the combination a heady feeling for me. I feel like I'm drowning in his love and attention and I don't want anyone to save me from it. 

Ending our kiss, my eyes were heavy with lust as I took in his swollen lips and his own hooded gaze. His olive green eyes peeking through his long lashes were filled with want and need for me. I reached up and traced his lips before brushing my palm across his light beard then his messy hair. "My gorgeous queen," he whispered before placing a kiss on my head. My arms snaked around his waist, his arms wrapped around my body, calming my excited and anxious self. My eyes met Michael's who simply gave me a nod and smile. No words were needed to relay what he meant. He too was moving on and was happy as to where we were both at. 

"There we go. His flight has just touched down," Ray said softly to me. Gently he turned me around to look at the Arrivals board, the anxiety began to bubble even more. I was shifting from leg to leg, eyeing the doors designated for arrivals, we were at the right gate and everything, it was just the waiting that was getting to me. When the agent opened the door, I excitedly moved from a twenty-plus-year-old to a bubbly sixteen-year-old. "The sign. The sign," I shrieked. Michael and Raizon smothered their laughter as Jerome and Trevor grudgingly held up the bright yellow sign saying, Ari's big brother, Kory. It didn't help their masculinity with the glitter dust falling over their heads when they opened it. Gio was busy taking pics and laughing at their expense. If I wasn't so amped I will be doing the same. Raizon gave me a playful glare before pointing to the crowd that was coming through the door. 

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