The Shower

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It's been a long day. Actually, it's been a long four years. Four years ago, Jess and Shane welcomed twin boys into the world, and nothing has been the same since.

Jess was loading the dishwasher with the plates from dinner, while Shane chased down the boys trying to wipe spaghetti off their hands and faces. With the dishwasher full and the pots set to soak, Jess dried her hands on the towel and went to help Shane.

He had lulled the boys into a brief stupor by turning on their favorite cartoon. Both boys stood staring at the tv long enough for Shane to get most of the leftover food off their faces. Jess joined them in the living room with pajamas, one set had Avengers and the other had Transformers, printed on the front and in repeating patterns down the legs.

The sight of the pjs broke the hypnosis and sent the boys running and screaming with laughter in opposite directions. Shane and Jess expected this and with a swift and practiced swoop, grabbed each boy and threw them over their shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Up the stairs and to the boy's room, Shane went first, sweeping aside stuffed animals and toy trucks so that Jess didn't trip. Jess followed behind and kicked the door shut. All four of them were in the room and slightly out of breath. Shane caught a glimpse of Jess in a moment of unguarded emotion and saw just how tired she was. Shane knew that she pretended to be happier and more energized than she really felt, and when he saw the truth on her face just now, his heart simultaneously broke and filled with a deep love and appreciation for his wife.

"What are you looking at?" Jess asked, tucking a stray hair behind her ear.

"Your beautiful face," replied Shane.

Jess rolled her eyes and swept her hand up and down her front, "Please, this hot mess isn't beautiful. Not anymore."

"I think your hot mess is quite beautiful actually, and the last time I checked my opinion counts for at least 50%," Shane countered.

"Then it's a draw, your 50% says yes, mine says no," Jess said with a smile.

"Look, I can finish here and get the boys into bed. Why don't you go take a nice bath or something," Shane said.

"I think I'll do that," Jess replied.

With a kiss to the forehead of all three of her boys, she left them to do whatever they do when she's not around.

On her way to the shower, she switched the laundry, fed the cat, and prepared coffee for the morning. She made it to their room about twenty minutes later and flopped face down on the bed. She was exhausted. She laid there and debated whether she could even get back up. Maybe she'd just take a shower in the morning. After a few minutes of weighing the pros and cons of just staying there until she fell asleep or getting up and into the shower, Jess committed to at least rolling over while she thought about it. Now on her back, staring up at the ceiling, she gave herself a pep-talk.

"Get up and wash yourself for Shane. He deserves it. Brush your teeth and shave your legs, it will make you feel better." Jess wasn't totally in, but she hoisted herself up anyway before she could change her mind.

She stripped off her clothes and tossed them into the corner of the bathroom. Now standing naked, under the harsh LED lights of the vanity, she took a good long look at herself in the mirror. Her hair was limp and she had dark circles under her eyes. Her large dark nipples stood out in stark contrast from her pale, somewhat misshapen breasts. Jess put her hands under each one, holding them up, wondering what it would be like to have perky boobs. Sighing, she let them back down and looked at them as though their sheer volume was a betrayal.

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