A Heart's Promise

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"He did what?!" Michelle gasped her mouth making a small 'o'.

"Yep," Rachel replied, stirring her coffee.

"Michelle, your tall Americano is ready," chirped the barista over the noise of the cafe.

"Hold on, I have some things to say about this," Michelle said as she turned to make her way through the other people waiting for their order.

"When don't you have something to say?" Rachel raised her eyebrows and smiled.

Michelle flipped Rachel off, grabbed her order and said, "Okay, let's go outside, this shit is ridiculous," gesturing to the crowded cafe.

Rachel pulled down her sunglasses against the late morning sun. Her eyes were red, tired, and tender. She had cried most of the night before.

"Okay, so let me get this right. Luke forgot about your award dinner and went to the game with his buddies instead?" Michelle exclaimed, spitting the word buddies.

"Yep, that's the short of it," Rachel said and sighed.

"That motherfucker," said Michelle.

"I know. But he doesn't think so. He doesn't think it's that big of a deal. I mean he thinks my award is a big deal but not his 'mix-up' as he calls it," Rachel said making air quotations with her fingers. "He says he just got the date wrong and that doesn't mean he doesn't love me or anything."

"Jesus-fucking-christ," Michelle said sharply. "This isn't about love, it's about respect."

"I know," Rachel sighed, "but I can't seem to get that through to him."

"God, I'm so sorry Rach. If I had known Sir Dick Face wasn't going to show up, I would have been there."

"Thanks. Suzy and Mark were there, and Joe from the University, so that was nice," Rachel said with a shrug.

"That's not the same and you know it," Michelle said.

"I know, but it was something. I'm just so heartbroken over this. I wanted to look out from that stage and see him seeing me accept that award. And because the universe doesn't think missing out on that was enough, he didn't even seem very sorry. He just made a bunch of stupid fucking excuses and acted like I was being unreasonable," Rachel said with a small quiver in her voice.

"I'll tell you what's unreasonable, you putting up with his immature, selfish, sorry-excuse-for-a-man ass. What does he expect? For you to praise him for his almighty beer bong skills and reassure him that his needs always come before yours?!" Michelle said, talking louder and faster now.

"You're getting a little loud," Rachel said looking around.

"Oh fuck these people, Rach. This is important. Your heart is broken!"

"I know," Rachel said and bowed her head to hide the fresh well of tears threatening to overflow.

Michelle leaned across the table and took Rachel's hand in hers, "I'm sorry your heart hurts," she said gently.

"Thanks. I am too," Rachel said looking up and letting the tears spill down her face.

"Hey ladies, you look like you could use..."

"You can go fuck right off," Michelle said before the man could even finish.

He held up his hands in front of him in a gesture of surrender, "Calm down, I was just trying to help."

"Are you for fucking real? Who the fuck do you think you are? Prince Charming coming in to sweep the damsel off her feet? Well, let me tell you something fuck face, the only thing needing to be rescued is your sorry ass excuse of an ego," Michelle shot back, emphasizing her words with her pointed finger punching the air in front of his chest.

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